An Example of the Atonement as an Expression

            Last week I had what felt like a breakthrough. It had to do with the fear of God arising from an incident in this person’s childhood. Following this, I saw many representations of the fear of God throughout Liz’s former life.

That occurred one evening. The following morning, it all collapsed and disintegrated. It made no sense. How could an effect be a cause? What happened when Liz was a child was an expression of the fear of God. The cause could not be in the expression but had to be there before the expression. Liz’s former life depicted the idea of opposition to God, nothing in it caused that opposition.

But that was not the end of the undoing. Because then I saw that none of that happened. They are only ideas in my mind now. There is no past; there is no time. So, I saw, not in theory, but practically, that the story of time is that single instant of the idea of not-God arising and simultaneously being undone. And that instant is now.

The feeling of breakthrough remained, however, and something did shift. Since, I feel I moved further out of the old thought system and further into the real world. But this has nothing to do with what I saw about Liz as a child, nor all that happened through her life. Nor was the breakthrough my seeing it never happened. Those were effects of the shift further into the real world, not the cause of the shift. They were, at most, symbolic, as is all correction or healing in the personal story. They do not occur to bring something about; they occur as effects of the advent of Spirit in consciousness, which is an expression of the Atonement. 

Miracles as such do not matter. The only thing that matters is their Source, which is far beyond evaluation. (T-1.I.2)


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will said…
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will said…
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will said…
Leave it up? Take it down? Is it where the HS is leading me?

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