Snow Globe World

         The expression of consciousness known as Liz shifted from ego to Spirit consciousness over four years ago. And one thing that has come along is a kind of “recovered memory” of a time as a child of around seven when she had some sort of Christ experience which was met by fierce ego resistance. The memory of this experience has spontaneously surfaced and unfolded over the past few years, revealing many unconscious responses and implications for Liz’s life. One aspect of the experience was Liz felt at the time that Light and dark were fighting over her. She felt this rather impersonally, as though she was not involved, but could only be the object of this battle, small as she was compared to these forces.

Liz didn’t remember any of it, it was denied, repressed, she went on, and then at twenty A Course in Miracles came into her awareness, she had mystical experiences and hovered for a time on the edge of Spirit-consciousness, then this passed, and she went on in ego-consciousness, but with Spirit as her Guide, Teacher, and, eventually, Constant Companion. (See her memoir).

Of course, “battle over” the expression of consciousness known as Liz was an ego interpretation as Spirit has no need to fight with what is not there. Ego wonders why these times of Light came and went, why didn’t Liz stay in the Light, did she have blocks, etc. But Spirit does not see it this way, It does not see a personal story. Spirit sees consciousness as consciousness is, split, with vacillations of Light and dark, swinging between the Reflection of Truth (Spirit) and the delusion consciousness is real (ego). Sometimes consciousness moves from the delusion it is real to the realization it is not, to reflect the Light of Christ, the Extension of God to consciousness. But consciousness is not real, it is an impossible idea, so it is no more meaningful for it to move to the Light than for it to stay in the dark, because I (Christ, not an identity, but Reality) am here watching this, completely untouched by it either way. It is my Light that breaks into consciousness and disrupts the darkness, but this does not turn consciousness into Reality, only makes it a dim reflection of Reality.

If you’ve seen The Wizard of Oz, you may remember how Glenda the Good Witch watched over the world of Dorothy and her friends in a snow globe, sometimes descending into it herself to help. This is how I see consciousness, a snow-globe world I watch, and sometimes seem to take some action in through Spirit, the Idea of God in consciousness. It is all just an idea, as no part of God is ever lost to God but can only seem to have wandered off to (perhaps) wander back again.

Will ego in the expression of consciousness known as Liz go dormant so that it reflects only the Light? It remains to be seen. But, either way, it does not matter one iota. Every seeming journey in consciousness is complete in that it has never been necessary. In fact, it has never happened.



If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to and I will answer it in this newsletter/blog.


Stephanie said…
Yes, Yes, Yes! This is so well written and beautifully expressed. Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights. Happy Holidays 🙂

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