You Are the Power Behind Ego
A reader has asked me to write about this passage from A Course in Miracles:
“Every system of thought must
have a starting point. It begins with either a making or a creating, a
difference we have already discussed. Their resemblance lies in their power as
foundations. Their difference lies in what rests upon them. Both are cornerstones
for systems of belief by which one lives. It is a mistake to believe that a
thought system based on lies is weak. Nothing made by a child of God is without
power. It is essential to realize this, because otherwise you will be unable to
escape from the prison you have made.” (T-3.VII.1)
Often a client will say to
me, “If ego is false, why is it so powerful?” Or, “If ego is only an idea, why
is it so powerful?”
Ego, or the idea that
consciousness, a seeming alternate reality to God, is real, is not powerful. It is
the mind behind the belief in the idea that is powerful. So, when ego strikes
you as powerful, don’t get caught up in the form it takes. Remember, its power
comes from you and discover how powerful you are. So powerful you see a world
in conflict with your Reality. You must face this to overcome your conflict,
which is, after all, between you and you.
If you have a
question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to and indicate that
you want it answered in this newsletter/blog.
A tribute to the power of the ego or a reminder of Gods Plan?
“Time is a trick, a sleight of hand, a vast illusion in which figures come and go as if by magic. Yet there is a plan (Gods Plan) behind appearances (the illusion) that does not change. The script (Gods Plan) is written.”
Reclaim this tribute to God, back from the ego.