Ask: Questions about consciousness, ego structures, and Jung's archetypes, Part 1

           (This questioner [CS] had many questions, which are answered in this week’s and next week’s articles. I present each question and then its answer.)

 “…Jung stated: ‘There are forms or images of a collective nature which occur practically all over the earth as constituents of myths and at the same time, as individual products of unconscious...These [archetypes] are imprinted and hardwired into our psyches.’

Considering the nature of ego and its structures as it correlates with Jung's collective unconscious archetypes in ‘Facing the Structures Left Behind’ (last week’s article), an encompassing understanding is sought with respect to how the terms ‘consciousness’, ‘awareness’, ‘conscious awareness’, and ‘unconsciousness’, are expressed or could be applied respectively to:

 ‘Ego is the idea that consciousness is reality, and its structures are ideas and beliefs that uphold this idea [and] symbolize ego, the personal identity and its story, and the material universe in which it seems to be."  Is the process of ‘sorting out ego from consciousness’ the sorting out of the unconscious ‘person identified ego’ that one defends through ideological belief structures as ‘self’, from the expression of consciousness as the ‘person’ that is; ‘not just the body but the personality as well’ – ‘our person’s traits, preferences, and interests [that] are not ego, but are expressions of consciousness’? 

First, awareness is synonymous with consciousness. A seemingly individual consciousness consists of conscious awareness, the subconscious, and the unconscious. Your conscious awareness is what you are immediately aware of, in the material world that you perceive as well as in your mind. Your subconscious is what is just out of your conscious awareness, in the world and in your mind. And your unconscious is what is in your mind but is not in your conscious awareness. This consists of what seems like your personal story as well as all of consciousness, what is often called the “collective unconscious.”

Consciousness, and the forms of consciousness, are neutral. They have no meaning in themselves and do not assert any meaning. The process of sorting out ego from consciousness means sorting out the ideas that uphold consciousness as reality from neutral consciousness and its neutral forms. As I pointed out, that means sorting out personal traits, preferences, and interests from ego’s assertion that these are reality, that they have real meaning, that they define you, and that they therefore need to be defended. 

How does Liz understand ‘person’ as an ‘expression of consciousness’ and how might it correlate with, or deviate from, Jung's understanding of ‘person’ as an archetypal product of unconsciousness? Are ego structures unconscious and in the sorting process brought to consciousness through increasing awareness of Spirit (hearing the Voice for God) reconstituting Spirit in the domain of consciousness with the recognition that ‘Spirit occupies consciousness’? And is it this recognition that brings about the collapse of time referred to as accessing the vertical axis, the quantum leap that short cuts the timeline which Liz's personality experiences with more intensity?”

 I understand the person as an expression of consciousness because all forms, material and nonmaterial in consciousness are expressions of consciousness. I have never studied Jung and his archetypes, but I understand he described a collective unconscious that is shared by all seemingly individual consciousnesses, which he felt was manifested through various cultures around the world. But I am not familiar enough with his ideas to comment on his “understanding of ‘person’ as an archetypal product of unconsciousness.”

Most ego structures are unconscious, and they come to awareness as one studies the mind. Spirit may illuminate the ego structures as you advance in your awareness of Spirit. Spirit is always in consciousness, so It never has to be “reconstituted” in consciousness. It has been my experience that as ego “winds down” I have come to see its structures and to watch them come down, but it does not seem that this is universal to everyone who shifts from ego- to Spirit-consciousness.

It is consciousness, not Liz’s personality—which is merely a neutral form—which experiences time collapsing. This seems to come about as consciousness is released from the ego’s story for the person as reality. Consciousness becomes aware it is now occupied only by Spirit, Which has no past. The sensation is of coming out of a delusion of a deep and true past to a timeless ever-present


If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to and indicate that you want it answered in this newsletter/blog.


Anonymous said…
Can a dream figure be conscious? If "ideas leave not their source," then can consciousness, the first split, be found in this dream world?
ACIM Mentor said…
Anonymous, it depends on what you mean by "dream figure"? Person? Then, no. But consciousness can be consciously aware of consciousness and Spirit. And that has been realized by many. It is the process I am in.
Anonymous said…
I mean it in the way it is used in the Course. That we are the dreamer of the dream, the secret dream, and not the dream figure in the projected world. The purpose of miracles, and this is a Course in miracles, is to establish that and remind the mind that what it sees is false. Since consciousness is an idea and cannot leave the split mind, the person we take ourselves to be in this world is just a projected dream figure, no different than the figures in our sleeping dreams. Consciousness, aware of ego and Spirit, takes place outside of time and space in the split mind. "First, it is obvious that decisions are of the mind, and not of the body. And if it is a decision, it is the mind and not the body that makes it."

Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Kenneth Wapnick when he went down 'this rabbit hole' said we are in a hologram. Holograms are above my pay grade and interest. But if people have an interest in what he saw it is in his books. It has been awhile and I don't remember which ones. Goggle it.
Anonymous said…
I have taken the deep dive into this kind of thing in the past. The end result was realizing I do indeed have an egoic mind. I was searching for the holy grail with the ego. Haha!
ACIM Mentor said…
Anonymous, consciousness is the split mind. Ego is an idea in consciousness, the split mind. Consciousness becomes aware of Spirit, or Truth. The person is a "communication device", so it seems it is a person who becomes consciously aware of Truth, but a person is merely communicating what consciousness knows.

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