Facing the Structures Left Behind
A client who has read many awakening stories reminds me that after the shift in consciousness from ego to Spirit, one embarks on a ten-year process. Well, this month is five years, so I’m halfway there!
It’s hard to believe it’s
been five years. Oh, sure, if I look at all that’s unfolded in this mind since
then, I can see where it took that much time to do so. But in the normal course
of things, many different things happen in five years, and for me, only one
thing has been occurring for five years, this process. It’s like I’ve been
standing still while all this has gone on around me.
After some things I’ve seen
this week, I understand this process better.
When I was confused about
ego’s persistence after it seemed to fall away, a couple of people told me of
others who described it as the ego “winding down”, like when you stop peddling
a bicycle but continue to roll forward until the momentum is used up. I felt it
like the “echo” of ego was still here or its habits of thinking and responding
What I saw this week is that
yes, ego is gone, but its structures remain. My first thought on seeing this
was of when an army of occupation leaves a city and leaves behind its debris, obstacles,
booby-traps, mines, etc. To reclaim their city, the people must clear all this
Spirit has clearly come, in
fact consciousness now belongs to It. Spirit has been the ongoing Context for
me since The Shift, and it was this awareness that got me through some very
rough, dark times in this mind. But just as clearly, Spirit still runs into
ego. The vacillating between thought systems I knew in ego-consciousness has
seemed to continue. However, it is different in Spirit-consciousness. Before
the shift, I would experience an ego backlash after a Spiritual experience or
insight and that would be the end of it until the next round of experience/backlash.
But now when ego arises, either in a backlash or when Spirit bumps into ego as
It tries to extend, Spirit gently undoes ego in some way, usually within hours.
So, what are ego’s
structures? Ego is the idea that consciousness is reality, and its structures are
ideas and beliefs that uphold this idea. Its structures are made of fear. And
fear is not just a lack of God (Love, Wholeness). Fear is opposed to
God. So, ego’s structures are defenses against God; against Reality. They are specifically
ranged around the structures that symbolize ego, the personal identity and its
story, and the material universe in which it seems to be.
As The Shift approached, I
found I was sorting out ego from consciousness. This was essential because ego
had seemed to be all that consciousness was. This was so even when I came to be
aware of Spirit in ego-consciousness. An example of sorting out ego from consciousness
was seeing that the person is not ego but is a neutral expression of consciousness.
By “person” I mean not just the body but the personality as well. So, for
example, your person’s traits, preferences, and interests are not ego, but are
expressions of consciousness. Ego is when you feel the person is you and you
cling to the person’s traits, interests, and preferences, and define yourself
by them, and defend them as you. So, ego’s structures are not to do with the person
but with how you define and defend it and its world as reality.
This sorting out has
continued because now Spirit is not just an awareness, Spirit occupies
consciousness, and ego’s structures block Spirit’s full extension. They cannot
both occupy consciousness as the structures of ego deny the Reality of Spirit.
Time is certainly a structure
of ego, especially the past. It is the story of a deep past that seems to grant
reality to consciousness. But as I shared last week, time continues to collapse
for me as I see the past is only an idea in my mind now.
It’s like a battle of
realities when ego’s structures are faced with dismantling. They are illusions,
and it is delusional to believe that they are real. And it sure feels that way!
Ego’s defenses can be disorienting, but only from ego’s point of view. Spirit
sees through them. Where ego sees reality, Spirit sees appearances.
Sometimes I have an almost
physical sensation of a world coming apart. And I have glimpsed that as these
structures come down, this mind will be very different, not just from what it
was, but from what I expected or could ever imagine.
In any case, I may still be
facing fear, but at least I see now what is going on, and gentle undoing is
always close at hand. As well as entering territory in this mind that I never
expected to with regard to ego, I also have new, lovely experiences of Spirit I
did not know were possible.
If you have a
question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to Liz@acimmentor.com and indicate that
you want it answered in this newsletter/blog.
thank you.
So it is with the blog posted Friday on “Facing the Structures left Behind” and today’s Workbook Lesson 130.
“It is impossible to see two worlds which have no overlap of any kind” the lesson tells us and that sure sounds a lot like the sorting out process described in the blog that seems to explain the occupational challenges and impossibility of both Spirit and ego occupying consciousness; “Spirit is not just an awareness, Spirit occupies consciousness, and ego’s structures block Spirit’s full extension. They cannot both occupy consciousness as the structures of ego deny the Reality of Spirit.”
Having the benefit of the blog is helpful in understanding what today’s lesson is pointing to when it says; what we would learn today is more than just the lesson that we cannot see two worlds, but that we’ve already made the choice and it’s reflected in the occupation of consciousness by ego or Spirit referred to in the blog and the lesson.