Consciousness as a Receptive Mechanism

             All consciousness does is register the presence of either ego or Spirit. Much like memory foam, it receives the impression of one or the other, but it would bounce back to its original state—emptiness—if no thought system were there. It belongs to neither.

What are these thought systems? Ideas. Spirit is the Idea of God. Ego is an idea opposed to God.

Registering the presence of these ideas as thought systems is all that is going on in seemingly individual consciousnesses. Thoughts and feelings in consciousness are induced by ego or inspired by Spirit. What consciousness hears and feels as “I” is whichever thought system occupies it at the moment. The “I” feels the same either way, which is why it is confusing and makes it seem consciousness is the ”I”. But consciousness does not have agency. It is a “receptive mechanism”, as A Course in Miracles calls it. So, the experience of “I”, or identity, in consciousness simply means a thought system is present in consciousness. Consciousness does not discern between thought systems.

If Spirit comes to conscious awareness, consciousness may sometimes feel the detachment between the two thought systems. “Part of my mind is upset (or is happy) but another part of my mind is just watching the part that is upset (or happy).” Both feel like “me” to consciousness. But really, consciousness is simply registering the presence of one and then the other thought system.

To consciousness, ego and Spirit, both only an idea, may feel like “entities”, but that is due to the nature of consciousness, not the thought systems. Consciousness can unite (a union) with one or the other but is never one (a unity) with them. It can, however, register the Unity of Spirit recognizing Spirit in consciousness.

So, consciousness does not go from being ego to being Spirit. These ideas pass through it, it does not pass through them. Nor does consciousness discover Spirit is its “true identity.” Both of these scenarios are ego fantasies meant to make consciousness and ego seem real. Only ego seems to go on a journey, and its journey ends when it does (“seek but do not find”). Truth is always whole and no part of It is missing and must “return.”

This illusory play of Light and dark, Spirit and ego, in consciousness is benevolently observed by Christ (not the man, Jesus, but God’s Extension to consciousness) beyond consciousness. If there is a true “I”, self, or identity, that could only be Christ, represented in consciousness by Its Extension, Spirit.



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Anonymous said…
See: Manual/Clarification of Terms, 1.Mind-Spirit

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