Accepting the Wisdom of the Ages

           What I see now I cannot adequately express. When I tell others that consciousness (the world) is wholly unlike God (Truth), they often point to wars and lack and personal conflicts. But it’s much more than that. The whole experience of consciousness is completely unlike God. All forms, all thoughts, all feelings…well, everything. Even Spirit is only the Idea of God in consciousness. Although It comes from beyond consciousness, It is shaped to consciousness to function in it.

The contrast between consciousness and God is so stark that it’s easy to see how someone who already believed sin and guilt were real would come away from a mystical experience of God feeling those beliefs reinforced. Not because sin and guilt are real, but because the contrast between God and what they are used to is startling that when ego says, “This is so unlike God what could it be but sin?” it seems reasonable. The only way out of the interpretation of consciousness as sin is to come to see it as Spirit does, as nothing but the appearance of a false idea—an illusion.

And that cannot be taught. It is not an attainable awareness. It will happen for you if it is to happen for you. So, there is no way to teach what I see now. When I try, it either falls flat or the person I am speaking with takes what I teach and tries to fit it into what they already believe. The only useful thing that can be taught in ego-consciousness is the best way to live in ego-consciousness. And I found that was as a Spirit-centered person.

Ego and Spirit never intersect in consciousness. But ego is affected by the Presence of Spirit in consciousness.

Imagine consciousness is a stream bed, Spirit is the water, and ego a rock in the stream bed. Spirit cannot penetrate ego just as the water cannot penetrate the rock. But Spirit affects ego, just as the water erodes the rock over time. In consciousness, the effect of Spirit on ego shows up as spiritual, religious, moral, and ethical teachings. As far as ego-consciousness is concerned, the best life you can lead has already been laid out through the Spirit-centered wisdom that has come down through the ages.

I am not talking about doctrine and dogma, which confuse cause and effect. You are not first moral and then in touch with Spirit. Your active awareness of Spirit results in a balanced, moral, mature ego, as well as the insights and support you need to navigate ego-consciousness.

Ego will never be made perfect, or Spirit-like. But with Spirit, you learn to live with it; you learn to navigate ego’s inherent neuroses (fear). Equanimity is a universal effect on egos of an active awareness of Spirit, no matter the angle of one’s approach to Spirit.

Taking responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Seeking help to heal emotional and psychological wounds, dysfunctions, and disorders. These are some of the effects of living with Spirit. In time, as these things are dealt with, you can learn to rest in Spirit, and detach from and merely watch ego.

So, do not throw out the wisdom the world has taught down through the ages. It is Spirit inspired and truly offers the best way to live in ego-consciousness.


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Anonymous said…
"Your active awareness of spirit..."
Jesus in ACIM repeatedly tells us it is crucial to have a continued personal relationship with Him. Liz relates in her history of her active communication with the Holy Spirit as she cleaned houses.
This feeling of a personal relationship is our greatest defense against ego and being alone in the dream.
Anonymous said…
Don't be shy about telling God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus that you love Them. This brings an immediate response which greatly increases our sense of well being and protection.

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