Rest in the Stillness of Christ

           God is Formless, Timeless, and Infinite. God is Glorious.         

           God is Reality. God is Truth. God is beyond consciousness, a false idea presented as reality (the material universe, the personal experience). Christ is a label for God’s Extension to consciousness. Christ is all one can be aware of God in consciousness. Christmas celebrates Christ coming to conscious awareness.

Spirit is the label for God’s, or Christ’s, Extension into consciousness. Spirit represents God’s Everpresence even in the false. Spirit is the Idea that corrects, through thoughts and experiences, the idea that not-God is real (ego). Consciousness is the play of these two ideas, not-God and God, which is the Atonement, the expression of that moment of the idea of not-God arising in God and being simultaneously undone by God’s All-encompassing nature. In a recent article, I wrote about the vacillations of ego and Spirit in consciousness. Ego moves forward, then Spirit moves forward, and back again. This is how it is experienced. But, in fact, Spirit does not move. It is still and quiet as ego advances and retreats in consciousness. When ego advances it blocks Spirit. So, when ego retreats, Spirit seems to move forward.  

This Christmas season, remember to merrily take moments to rest in the Stillness of Christ’s Spirit. But if you do not, that is okay. It is always here when you do remember. Christ’s Presence is not dependent on a season. 


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