Bill Thetford's Individualized Curriculum

            In the Manual for Teachers of A Course in Miracles where it discusses how one should approach the Course it says:


“The curriculum is highly individualized, and all aspects are under the Holy Spirit's particular care and guidance.” (M-29.2)


How would you read A Course in Miracles differently if you read it as the highly individualized curriculum of, and description of what was to happen to, someone else?

A Course in Miracles lays out the path of its first student, Bill Thetford, and describes what is to happen for him. He is led to work on ego’s grievances as they block his awareness of God. He is told that he will see the real world and soon after God will “take the last step” and he will “put the body aside.” This is what occurred for Dr. Thetford. At the end of his life, he said he had one remaining grievance. Then one day he announced that it fell away, and he said in joy, “I am there.” A few hours later he died.

Ego is the block to Spirit in consciousness, but ego is much more than grievances. Grievances are only one of its expressions. And ego is not removed from consciousness by undoing its grievances. Ego does not fall away through any practice. It falls away if Spirit takes the center of consciousness (enlightenment). Removing grievances did not lead to Dr. Thetford seeing the real world. Spirit slowly rising to conscious awareness led to a practice that forgave grievances and resulted in a more peaceful life for Dr. Thetford. And at the end of his life, as predicted, Dr. Thetford saw the real world and passed away. It is not the case for everyone that they see the real world and put the body aside. Many see the real world—as does this writer—and do not put the body aside.

In essence, Helen Schucman scribed Bill Thetford’s individualized curriculum. The Course addresses both of their minds, apart and together. This was their unique “holy relationship” and “special function.” This does not mean that the Course is not for you, but that it was specific to Drs. Schucman and Thetford and is not specific to you. Apart from demonstrating how an individualized curriculum could appear, it is full of important information, wisdom, advice, and suggested practice to bring about a more harmonious life. Doing the lessons for one year is a good start for “mind training.” But in the end, what you can take away from the Course is that you, too, have an Inner Teacher in the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit has an individualized plan for you. The Course is obviously to play a part in that, but what that is will not be what it was for Drs. Schucman and Thetford—or anyone else.

A Course in Miracles does not teach the Truth because the Truth cannot be taught. The Course does not promise enlightenment because enlightenment cannot be taught. If it is to happen it will happen, but you cannot bring it about through willingness or practice or any other means.  The Course describes what enlightenment is like, but its practice is for mitigating the pain of ego in ego-consciousness. This is done by learning to bring Spirit to conscious awareness, which can lead to releasing grievances and other obstacles. You may see the real world along the way or at the end or you may not at all. But if you are drawn to the Course, it is for a reason. It will be at least a part of your path, if not your whole path, in a way that is unique to you.

The Course’s Text ends on “Choose Once Again” and its Workbook leaves you following the Holy Spirit for your own individualized curriculum after the year of lessons. It trains up “teachers of God” to live with the awareness of God to varying degrees in ordinary lives. But, as with religions, it spiritualizes ego by implying ego is a “lost” part of God that is returning to God. In this way, it reinforces ego. And I think that may be deliberate, as a way to make ego less uncomfortable. After all, Spirit is not going to take center in most individual consciousnesses. The Course does not teach flawlessly, but helpfully for those in pain—in ego. It answers, “there must be another way”—to live in ego.

Much that can be hard to understand in the Course may be cleared up if read in the context of the unique relationship of scribe and student between Helen and Bill, and in Helen’s reluctance and Bill’s willingness to practice it. It will be a gentler study and practice for you if you do not apply it all to yourself. Like any spiritual teaching, it should be read in the context in which it was written and with the Holy Spirit. And this takes time, and you will make mistakes, and it is not a quick fix, and it certainly does not lead to enlightenment. It is a long and gentle process for increasing, yet still imperfect, peace over a lifetime. 


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Anonymous said…
Such a strong case made for separation.
Anonymous said…
In the decades of doing the course I have never read anyone who reads the purpose of the course like I do.
It took about five years to read the text without having to read every sentence twice. I understood the sentences but not the meaning behind them. I did the lessons but had no idea of what I was reading. If you asked me that evening what I had read in the morning or the day before I couldn't tell you.
At around year fifteen I began A serious study only because I found it enjoyable. I went through the text three times, studied (not 'did') the lessons twice and went through the manual a number of times.
Every time I studied the text it has read differently than the time before. I have understood it at a much deeper level. A lot of it I had no memory of having read it before.
What my understanding is now, that the Holy Spirit needs us to help Him release the Sons of God. He needs to use our one mind to extend himsrlf.He needs us (not the ego) in the Holy Instant, the only place He is and can use our minds to extend to our brothers. This effort results in miracles within us.
I'm just working for/with the Holy Spirit to meet this goal. I'm not focused on myself and being the "holiest person I can be." I'm just a blue collar worker doing what needs to be done for everyone. Boy, what a difference that makes!
Anonymous said…
Lesson 63
Anonymous said…
will said…
This is not about the human person. It is about putting the human person aside by practicing the Holy Instant (no time, the Now).
We want our soul or 'being' to join the Holy Spirit so he can extend all of it to the awareness of the Sons of God (our brothers). The Holy Spirit needs us in order to extend to our brothers.
will said…
IMHO Practicing is the time the Holy Spirit intervenes in our human state. Mind training.
will said…
IMHO The ego has Great fear of our practicing and will do whatever it can to stop it. It is the act of removing the ego from center stage by inviting in the Holy Spirit.

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