What Happens When I "Die"?

This question does not have a real answer because you were never born and so can never die. You have no beginning and no ending. Yet, though they learn this, students often ask me what will happen when they “die”. Only in ego could one ask this because, being unreal, only to ego does death have meaning.

The body’s only use is as a way to bring the awareness of One Mind to what seems to be many minds. When you have learned this, the body will no longer manifest illness or injury. The Course tells us that when the body’s usefulness is over, you will merely put the body aside.

If you have not awakened, then the body may seem to die from some worldly cause. What is True in your mind will remain with Truth; the personal self will seem to be gone; and the part of your mind that dreams will continue to dream until it chooses to awaken.

Ego offers “death”, Spirit offers awakening. Questions about death reveal questions about your identity. Part 12 of the Manual for Teachers, “How Many Teachers of God Are Needed to Save the World?” is a good reference for those who have questions about “death”.

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Anonymous said…
if death is meaningless and unreal why do we keep going to mdoctors and taking medicine to prolong our lives? ron
ACIM Mentor said…
That is something that everyone has to answer for themselves, Ron. It all depends on whether you've had a shift in awareness and know that that there is no death, or if you think that's just a nice idea, but not reality.

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