Manifesting What You Need

Is it not possible that all your problems have been solved, but you have removed yourself from the solution? (T-17.VII.2)

The world you see is a projection of your own mind. The problems you think you have, the holes you feel need to be filled, the lacks that you want to be supplied – these are not real, but projections of a mind that lives in the lack of its Self. They are the manifestations of not experiencing yourself as you are – One with God, whole and complete and eternal.

When you commune with God daily, while meditating as well as throughout the day, you know you have everything. You feel this within yourself and this shows up as a manifestation of whatever you need. It is not God who solves your problems or supplies your lack. But your conscious connection with God results in a perception of wholeness.

When you look to the world to make you feel whole you are confusing cause and effect. The world is the effect of your mind, not the cause of you. It is ironic that when you feel whole within yourself and don't care about what is showing up "out there" that everything shows up! Nevertheless, you do have needs in the world and you can trust that what you need will show up when you need it.
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Marina said…
Thank you for this blog. As a student of the Course, I'm a bit conflicted about manifesting my desires.

I was consequently introduced to the Course by way of researching the Law of Attraction. It started with the movie the Secret, which lead me to author Wayne Dyer, then author Marianne Williamson who then lead me to the Course. As I've been exposed to all of these ideas, I've come to accept that they are all speaking of the one Truth. Know that you are whole, live in joy, and all your needs will be met.

Still, as a Course student, I feel as if wanting a meaningful "worldly" relationship, or abundance of money, is contradictory to what the Course is teaching me. Or does it come down to the purpose of my desires? I am very conflicted on this subject.
ACIM Mentor said…
Marina, don't fight what you want or you will feel that you are sacrificing. The Holy Spirit will use what you want until your values shift and your desires for these things naturally fall away. In time the ego's desires will not drive you. You will feel them, recognize they are meaningless, and let them go. Until then, just give what you want to the Holy Spirit to use on behalf of your awakening.
Marina said…
Thank you - great advice!
OurFutureNow said…
I think we need to be very careful about accepting views from Authors in related fields who appear to be speaking the ACIM language. Here is my review of such an Author who Marina has quoted above:

I have seen the name Dr. Wayne W. Dyer around on the spiritual bookshelves for quite a long time, and in fact acquired a couple of his daily message books, which inspired me to take him somewhat seriously. So the last time I was scanning the said spiritual bookshelves, my attention was caught by the Doctor’s latest [?] book, “Inspiration, Your Ultimate Calling”. I’m an impulse buyer, but I consoled myself with the thought of the likely inspiration I was about to receive, despite a nagging little misgiving concerning the inclusion of “Calling”. So I paid and walked out with the book.

Once I got home, I opened the book and read, dabbled, and was pleasantly surprised by the wealth of references to my personal Bible: “A Course In Miracles” [ACIM]. “This has GOT to be for me!”, I thought. Moreover, Dr. Dyer also quotes from, “The Disappearance Of The Universe” by Gary Renard, which is the book that got me to ACIM, and I regard as the “John Doe Guide To ACIM”.

The Dr. Dyer book is 252 pages long, and it would be impossible to give a comprehensive account of what is a very wordy document. So what is it? Well, it is a series of quotations from a wide range of classical and modern famous people; a couple of accounts of recent displays of grit and determination, and a couple of plugs for worthy causes, all bound in a matrix of quotations and para-paraphrases [yes! I meant that!] from ACIM, all with the intent of defining inspiration and exhorting us to find exponents of inspiration and get infected by their inspiration. I have a simpler idea: just state what ACIM says about inspiration [which means literally “breathed into”], which is a personal response from our Source to each one of us according to our needs:

“You have been told to ask the Holy Spirit for the answer to any specific problem, and that you will receive a specific answer if such is your need……the form of the answer, if given by God, will suit your need as you see it. This is merely an echo of the reply of His Voice. The real sound is always a song of thanksgiving and of Love. You cannot then ask for the echo. It is the song that is the gift… have sought first the Kingdom of Heaven and all else has indeed been given you.”

I would have let things go at that. After all, the Doctor could have been excused for missing the above text since it appears in a supplement to the Course called “The Song Of Prayer”. But then I freaked out. Figuratively speaking, that is. With the speed and seamlessness that would have made the Pony Express look like a Camel Caravan, the Doctor switches horses from the pure monistic position of ACIM to the unashamed dualism of Abraham-Hicks. Chapter 7: “Inspiration and Your Own Magnificence” which is even referred to as “Divine Magnificence” and “Magnificent Physical Presence” in the chapter text. I was at a loss. Whatever happened to ACIM at this point? ACIM is very clear about this World of Form, and the Body:

“There is no World. This is the central thought the Course attempts to teach. Not everyone is ready to accept it, and each one must go as far as he can let himself be led along the road to Truth. He will return and go still further, or perhaps step back a while and then return again”.

So there you have it. I should have twigged when I read the anonymous [by Dr. Dyer?] review on the back cover:

‘We chose our physical body, and we chose the parents we needed for the trip. It doesn’t seem too great a stretch to move into the idea that we chose this life in concert with our Source [italics mine]”

So. Despite the Dr.’s claim to have slain the Ego, he is still on Step 11……………….

I do not mind or care what philosophy Dr. Dyer chooses to believe and follow while chasing his butterflies on Maui. How could I? But Dr. Dyer has a large following, and many, nay most of them will never have heard of ACIM, and could be forgiven for thinking from the extensive references, that Dr. Dyer is endorsing the true and unadulterated ACIM message.

Apparently, this phenomenon of using the Course as a supermarket and taking from it only what you want, and leaving the rest, was anticipated. Here is a quotation from “The Disappearance Of The Universe” on this very point [p96]:

“As with J’s teachings of 2,000 years ago, the World is attempting to do its usual job of obliterating the Truth by incorporating parts of it into its illusions and covering over the real message of the Holy Spirit”

I will leave you with a quotation from the Course, which Dr. Dyer has also thought fit to include in his book:

“If you want to be like me I will help you, knowing that we are alike. If you want to be different, I will wait until you change your mind”

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