The “One Son” Needed to Save the World

In the Manual for Teachers there is the question, “How Many Teacher’s of God Are Needed to Save the World?” The answer is:

The answer to this question is–one. One wholly perfect teacher, whose learning is complete, suffices. This one, sanctified and redeemed, becomes the Self Who is the Son of God. He who was always wholly spirit now no longer sees himself as a body, or even as in a body. Therefore he is limitless. And being limitless, his thoughts are joined with God's forever and ever. His perception of himself is based upon God's Judgment, not his own. Thus does he share God's Will, and bring His Thoughts to still deluded minds. He is forever one, because he is as God created him. He has accepted Christ, and he is saved. (M-12.1)

Some students seem to think this refers to Jesus and that he has already done this. Others think there is someone yet to come who will do this. But there is only One Son, one Christ one Spirit; and It is the same in Jesus and in you and in everyone. This One Son in all of us is the One referred to in the quote above.

It is hard to understand Oneness when you are so immersed in fragmentation. When you get even a glimmer of Oneness, however, you can understand the answer above. The answer goes on:

God's teachers appear to be many, for that is what is the world's need. (M-12.2)

The “appear” is very important here. All of God’s teachers are the same because the Christ in them is the same, the Oneness they experience is the same. Only this Oneness is real; everything else is only an appearance.

Why is the illusion of many necessary? Only because reality is not understandable to the deluded. Only very few can hear God's Voice at all, and even they cannot communicate His messages directly through the Spirit which gave them. They need a medium through which communication becomes possible to those who do not realize that they are spirit. A body they can see. A voice they understand and listen to, without the fear that truth would encounter in them. Do not forget that truth can come only where it is welcomed without fear. So do God's teachers need a body, for their unity could not be recognized directly. (M-12.3)

The teachers of God appear to share the illusion of separation, but because of what they use the body for, they do not believe in the illusion despite appearances. (M-12.4)

Though God’s Son is One, He must appear in many forms to reach those other Parts of God who still believe in fragmentation and are not yet willing to hear the Holy Spirit directly. This is why each teacher of God is sent specific “pupils” who they can teach and from whom they can learn themselves until their learning is complete.

Awareness of dreaming is the real function of God's teachers. They watch the dream figures come and go, shift and change, suffer and die. Yet they are not deceived by what they see. They recognize that to behold a dream figure as sick and separate is no more real than to regard it as healthy and beautiful. Unity alone is not a thing of dreams. And it is this God's teachers acknowledge as behind the dream, beyond all seeming and yet surely theirs. (M-12.6)

As a student of A Course in Miracles your purpose is to be a teacher of God. As you let go of separation – ego – the One Holy Spirit in all of us can teach through you. And this process saves the world.


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