You're in Ego? So What?

Students will report to me that they feel guilty and like they are failing because they have lost their temper, they have been in a bad mood, they became inflated over a compliment or deflated over a setback. So what? The goal is not to be a perfect person or to live a perfect life. The goal of spiritual awakening is to be happy and whole again.

All these mood shifts indicate is that you are listening to ego and believing what it says. Feeling guilty or like a failure over these mood shifts indicates you are still listening to the ego. The Holy Spirit never inspires guilt, knowing it is never justified. The Holy Spirit also knows you cannot fail because you are Part of God and this has not changed.

You have to be as willing to overlook your own ego – forgive – as you are willing to overlook the ego in others. They are the same thing. Ego is ego not matter where you see it. You want peace and this may be why you are bothered by these mood swings. But you don’t overcome the ego by trying to control it or make it conform to what you want. You overcome ego by letting go of it. This means letting it be. Fighting it means you are giving it power over you. Instead of focusing on your ego, focus on the Truth. No matter what mood you are in you can still commune with God and choose to see Oneness instead of separation. Your attention can still be on maintaining your connection with God.

Nothing you can do can change Eternal Love. (C-5.6)

Contemplate this and let it sink in: Nothing you do in the world can touch God in any way. There is no relationship between God and the world. That is why the world is referred to as a dream or an illusion. So you listen to ego, big deal. Don’t make it into something serious. It is nothing. Only God is real and you are Part of God. Only God in you is real. Let anything else go.


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demo said…
"Students will report to me that they feel guilty and like they are failing because..."

OMG, are you joking me? That's just whacked. What the hell did they expect, a starry-eyed surprise?

Dude. We're still on earth. It's gonna suck from time to time.
Paula said…
Hi Liz, I was just wondering about if we are in God and He is in us then how can He not be a part of our dream? I'm also having a difficult time in grasping who I am really - Am I a little bit of God, Am I the Son, Am I Ego, Am I Holy Spirit, Am I the Decider, Am I a Mind? Far out, this is doing my head in at the moment. Just when I feel I am one of these then I seem to jump to another one and I'm just all over the shop identifying with them all! Please help me. Please explain from which one of these I should be looking in/out from. Thank you kindly in advance, Liz.
ACIM Mentor said…
Paula, you are experiencing confusion because you are a mind that is split between two thought systems, the Holy Spirit and the ego. You are vacillating between the two. It is best at this stage to think of yourself as the split-mind (Son of God), AKA decision-maker, so you recognize that you have a choice when you have chosen ego and can get out of it.

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