But I'm Not Feeling God!

The Holy Spirit does not speak first, but He always answers. Everyone has called upon Him for help at one time or another and in one way or another, and has been answered. Since the Holy Spirit answers truly He answers for all time, which means that everyone has the answer now. (T-6.IV.3)

Often students tell me they are not feeling God’s Presence in their life. Perhaps they think they are not because they have an expectation of the experience that is not being met by the actual experience. While a revelation of God is profound, experiencing God in your life in the world – what is called the Holy Spirit – is not. It is far more subtle and can be an ordinary, everyday experience. At first it is often only recognized in retrospect. But with conscious effort you soon begin to feel the Presence around you all the time.

You are Part of God so of course you experience God. It is just that this experience is jumbled up with all your ego experiences and it takes a while to sort out what is God and what is ego. What I’ve learned is those who feel God do so because they expect to. They simply trust that God is with them and so they discern God working in their lives. This brings them peace and comfort – the experience of God they are seeking.

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. It is not necessary to seek for what is true, but it is necessary to seek for what is false. (T-16.IV.6)

For myself I experienced an important shift many years ago when I was meditating and trying to reach God. Suddenly I felt the Presence right here. I realized I had always been reaching past God by trying to reach for God. Of course God is right here! I am always in God. The physical world is neutral. You can choose to see all that is around you as part of God, part of a larger plan; or you can choose to see it as meaningless and yourself as isolated. When you decide you want to remember you are Part of God, then everything becomes a reflection of that, the means the Holy Spirit in you can use to awaken you to your Self.

Feeling God is a choice. You have to consciously choose to Be vigilant only for God and His Kingdom (T-6.V.C.2) and not sit passively by and wait for the experience to come. You are retraining your mind to think with the Holy Spirit when you are used to thinking with the ego. That takes conscious effort. But because it is effort that is toward Truth rather than against It, the effort soon reaps rewards that motivate you and makes it easier.

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Anonymous said…
Be vigilant only for God and His Kingdom .... I need to see this each day every day until it sinks in, Thank you Liz. Judi

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