The Course's Unique Means of Awakening

A Course in Miracles teaches us that we have to sort out Truth from illusion but for many of us the first thing we have to sort out is the Course itself! It is very confusing because the language of the Course is Christian but it doesn’t take long to realize that its message is nothing like traditional Christianity. The philosophy of A Course in Miracles is much closer to eastern religious philosophy with its emphasis of “salvation” as awakening to Truth rather than salvation as deliverance from sin through the death of Jesus Christ.

Traditional Christianity is very much like the pagan religions it has sought to replace. Pagan religions developed to give people a sense that they had some control over their lives in the world. They believed that unseen forces controlled the physical world and they made rituals that would help them to appease these forces. Later these forces were called gods and people petitioned and sought to appease these gods, through prayers, rituals, behaviors and attitudes. They had stories for how the world was made by a god or gods. They developed religious laws and rules to live by to please their gods. Abraham came along and revealed that there was only One God, but not much else about religion has changed from paganism. In Christianity, God is an outside creator of the world, a power you must pray to (petition) and whose laws you must obey (appease) in order to have some control over your world and eventually, to be saved from hell when you die. Christianity spiritualizes life in the world.

In eastern religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism, the world is recognized as illusion, all suffering is seen to be caused by attachment to illusion and peace is attained through relinquishment of illusion. The world is often referred to as a dream and only by awakening from this dream to a formlessness-that-is-everything will you find lasting peace and joy. Sound familiar? The core teachings of the Course are really a “westernized” version of eastern religious philosophy. But the Course offers its own unique means for awakening:

You may be attempting to follow a very long road to the goal you have accepted. It is extremely difficult to reach Atonement by fighting against sin. Enormous effort is expended in the attempt to make holy what is hated and despised. Nor is a lifetime of contemplation and long periods of meditation aimed at detachment from the body necessary. All such attempts will ultimately succeed because of their purpose. Yet the means are tedious and very time consuming, for all of them look to the future for release from a state of present unworthiness and inadequacy.
Your way will be different, not in purpose but in means. A holy relationship is a means of saving time. One instant spent together with your brother restores the universe to both of you. You prepared. Now you need but to remember you need do nothing.

A student of the Course who has also studied Buddhism has pointed out to me that what the Course does offer that Buddhism doesn’t is an inner Teacher, a Guide – the Holy Spirit of Christianity. But like Buddhism, the Course teaches the “third way”: Liberation from ego comes not from embracing ego or fighting against ego (both make ego real to you) but by letting go of ego. (See also the blog,
The Course and Buddha)

The Course doesn’t spiritualize life in the world, but does teach you how to perceive the world in a way that opens you to spiritual sight. The Holy Spirit’s guidance, the holy instant and the holy relationship are its unique tools for saving time by bringing Truth into your awareness now.

Both western and eastern religions might seem to differ greatly. But at their core, they both offer a way to God (formlessness-that-is-everything) if that is your goal. The Course takes what is most useful from both and offers a faster way to awaken to God.

One-on-one study, support and guidance are available for students of A Course in Miracles who want inner peace, harmonious relationships and a deep sense of purpose faster and easier. Visit There you will also find an archive-by-topic for this blog and booklets to deepen your understanding of the Course.


Anonymous said…
I like your line of thinking .
Anonymous said…
The message is Spirit is in the Now, that is the only moment that "matters". Good supplemental reading is The Power of the Now by Eckhart Tolle. Thank you liz for your blogs.
I think ACIM also offers a method for healing unconscious projected guilt from the mind.

My experience of Buddhism is that this is not addressed in a way where progress is so fast.

That being said, I believe the art of awareness and acceptance and allowing are vital skills along the Path. Buddhist practice can help
develop all of these.

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