Ask: Where in the Course does it use the lower-case "s" on son?
Where in ACIM does it
use the lower case “s” on “son of God”? (November 30, 2012)
[This question refers to this
paragraph from my last article: “But
within the thought-of-the-opposite-of-God there is an emptiness which is filled
by a universe of form, or the opposite-of-God made manifest. The part of God’s
mind where this thought seems to occur the Course calls the “son of God” (lower
case “s” on “son”). It cannot leave God so it is split between God and not-God.
This split mind projects billions of versions of itself into the universe of
form (individual minds in bodies). For the seemingly-individual split mind the
Course refers to the projection of not-God as “ego” and to the awareness of God
as “Christ” (or “Son of God”; upper-case “s” on “son”).].
Well, gosh, golly, darn…I could
swear…But doing a search on my A Course
in Miracles CD I cannot find an instance where the lower-case “s” is used
for “Son of God”! Oops! And not only did I read the Course several times over many years I translated the whole thing
into plain, everyday language paragraph by paragraph! The mind is an
interesting thing. Here’s a good example of it seeing what it has come to
understand through experience rather than what was there on the page.
I apologize for any confusion that
this has caused.