Ask: (#3) How can there not be a connection between Truth and you as a person?
(This is a continuation of a conversation published as the
March 21 and 28 articles).
“…You have said,
‘I think you may be locked in the old, religious habit of spiritualizing the
ego. That’s when you think that there is a connection between the Truth and
what you do or do not do as a person’. By judging me as thinking from 'old
religious habit of spiritualizing the ego' haven't you contradicted yourself
and judged me from the ego?
Also, how can there not be a
connection between the Truth and what you do or do not do as a person? That's
clearly separation thinking because WE ARE TRUTH. How then am I so
calm and less stressed out since I started studying the Course? As I study the Course and Jesus points me gently towards the
Truth I feel peaceful even for a little bit, why is that? If there is no
connection between Truth and what I do as a person?
You have said you spend your
experience, energy and time with your clients in exchange for money- so aren't
you valuing your worldly abilities in this dream world therefore reinforcing
the ego?..” – KR
There is a difference between
judging and merely observing. Judgment applies a meaning (right/wrong,
good/bad) and results in an emotional charge. When you merely observe you do
not give any meaning (right/wrong, good/bad) and you feel no emotional charge.
I was simply asking you to look at your thinking. I was not implying that your
thinking was right or wrong or good or bad, but that you may find it is an
obstacle to peace.
The self is not Truth. The self is
the illusion that A Course in Miracles
talks about. The Truth (God) within your mind is reality. The
body/personality/ego is not reality. You are calm since you started reading the
Course because it points you to the
Truth within yourself. But if you want to experience only peace you will have to release yourself from your
identification with a self.
When I say
that there is no connection between what you do as a person and Truth I mean
that what you do as a person has no effect on Truth. Truth goes on untouched by
the self in any way. The self is only a projection of your mind so your awareness of the Truth affects your
projection of the self. But what the self does or does not do does not affect
Truth in any way. So there is no reason to give meaning (right/wrong, good/bad)
to what the self does.
It is this teaching – that nothing
real is occurring in your experience of a self in a world because God (Truth)
goes on untouched by any of it – that sets A
Course in Miracles apart from other teachings. It is a teaching in absolute
forgiveness that releases you from guilt and fear of punishment. Of course
other teachings – Hinduism, Buddhism, for example - teach that the self and its
world are all an illusion. But as far as I know only ACIM actually helps you do
the psychological work necessary to release yourself from the unconscious and
conscious belief in guilt that is the primary obstacle to peace.
Yes, this self in my mind exchanges
its experience, energy, etc. for money because I have evaluated these as worth
something. I leave it up to others, however, as to whether or not what I offer
has value for them. That is the way that the world works. But I no longer
evaluate myself by what the self has to offer. If I did, then, yes, it would
reinforce the ego in me and be an obstacle to peace. But the Truth is true for
me now and I let go of the self – which means I let it be, and let it do what
it does, without judgment.
What changes as you go along in
this process is not what you do in the world, but from which thought system you
approach the world. So your life in the world looks like any ordinary life, but
you experience peace within because you come from an awareness that Truth, not
the self, is Reality.
Learn about the book The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace, and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at
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Your in one of the most difficult phases of the Course in Miracles. People looking at the Course to see what it is about turn away when they run into this; people doing the Course quit or just become frustrated and angry. I went back and forth with Liz for years trying to make sense of the words (T)truth, (R)reality and mind. The confusion from this makes it very difficult to understand the text or lessons. Your 'brain' comes up with a million questions that can't be answered to it's satisfaction thus 'proving' the Course is crazy. The 'brain' comes up with a million reasons to quit the Course all of which seem reasonable given the confusion. A Course in Miracles just isn't for everyone. There is no quick fix, no quick "feel goods" in fact after you study the Course things begin to get worse (confusion) rather than better. I have no answer on why I kept doing the Course when it got tough other than I sensed strongly I was on the right path. EVERYTHING else pointed to the opposite. There is tremendous confusion among students about what the Course is teaching. Why would anyone want to put themselves through this? As the Course says this is only one of many paths that lead to the same result. My only answer is from my own experience that I knew somewhere inside me that I should keep going. I had been 20 years in 'recovery'(12 step) when I started and had run up against a wall. The answers and understanding about the Course started after about 5 years and it was gradual from there. Now I look back and wonder how I could not of understood it seems so simple but that's just the way it is. Your 'brain' is not going to give you answers to Course questions. It can't. But over time the answers from the Holy Spirit start to come and it really makes it worth the effort. The changes that happen are at a depth it's hard to imagine when you start. I'm nine years into this and have just begun to really get a grip on what is happening. The payoff is you see the big picture in a way that just is not possible otherwise. And that's not a put down on other paths. It's just different that's all.
I so much appreciate your responses. Like Liz, what you say is consistent with the Course, and it's encouraging to hear the difficulties you've faced with the Course and the rewards of your perseverance. This is the second time I've tried the Course. The first time was about 20 years ago, but at that time I felt it wasn't right for me. A few months ago I felt suddenly drawn back to it, immediately felt at peace and felt my fear diminish considerably. This time I am determined to continue, even though right now I am feeling more of a tug back toward worldly concerns. But I think this is normal, and I think it will be overcome. In spite of this "tug," I know that I wouldn't be satisfied with my life now without following this path. It's not easy, but for me it's now the only way.