Ask: Can I love and respect nature and still be serious about ACIM?
“...I have always felt
a tremendous affinity to the Native American ways and their utter respect for a
great Spirit and as keepers of the earth planet. So, here is the
"angst" for me...I am clear that ACIM is my primary path, but the
connection to the earth, animal totems, etc really speak to me. Yet, I know
from the ACIM perspective, there is no world and the emphasis isn't on saving
something that isn't "there". Natives saw "spirit" in
everything...trees, mountains, streams, corn, buffalo. Is it compatible to have
and tend the "love and respect of natural beauty" and be a serious
student of ACIM? I remember Ken W saying
that frustration with inanimate things was as significant as anything else.
Clearly, I'm confusing some things here...” – KL
Your desire
to love and to respect the natural world would only be incompatible with your
study of A Course in Miracles if it
prevented you from being aware that the Truth is in your mind, not in the world
of form. As you grow in your awareness of Truth the self will still have its
personality. It will still have its preferences, its interests, its likes and
dislikes, etc. These are neutral, or without meaning in themselves. What
changes is you stop looking to these to be your “salvation” (source of
wholeness, happiness, peace).
When one is
in nature they often allow their mind to process out its thoughts and they
become aware of the quiet Truth (Spirit) beyond all the thoughts. They
experience peace. Sometimes they project the source of this peace onto nature.
They feel that nature brought them the feeling, rather than that they felt
something within that they then projected onto nature.
Also, when
you quiet your mind you slow down its processes and you can become aware of the
unity, or one mind (what ACIM calls the “Son of God”), behind all forms.
Ancient cultures did not have the distractions that we have today. They lived
and worked in abundant quiet. So they tended to be very aware of this unity, as
well as of cause and effect at the level of form. At first this unity was
conceived of as many gods. Later it was conceived of as one god. But the True
Being that ACIM calls “God” transcends the one mind that projects the universe
of form. God is not responsible for the universe of form and has nothing to do
with it. So what you have to sort out is your experience of God (True Being)
within from your awareness of the unity of the universe of form.
This sorting out of Truth from
illusion is really the whole process ACIM leads you into. There are many
illusory experiences that have been labeled “spiritual” by the world that
really have nothing to do with Truth. Confusing them keeps you in guilt so sorting
out Truth and illusion is essential if you want to be at peace.
Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace, and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at
If you have a question the answer to which you think will help others send it to and indicate that you want in answered in the ACIM Mentor Newsletter/Blog.
This is so wonderfully illustrated and I wish to commend you on that beautiful expression of wisdom in your response. It is very eloquently spoken.
Many Blessings in Oneness,
"This is your one responsibility because once you do look at what the personal mind is doing you will accept correction of your perception of separation from God. You will look on your error of believing that when you look on others you are seeing something out side your mind and you will make it a holy encounter with your Self instead by extending God's Love in place of the personal mind's projections."
(P.Text 142-143)
So if I understand this correctly, when I 'step back' in my mind and watch it thinking extension is happening through the Holy Spirit. When I am with another person and I 'step back' in my mind and look at the person as well Extension is taking place. There is more depth to what is happening but I finally have my foot in the door.
Think of extending your arm. Your arm is still attached to you when you extend it. But if you were "projecting" your arm you would deny that it is still your arm reaching outward.
So when you "extend" God you are recognizing God within you and choosing to look from God within you on the world. You know that this is coming from your mind. But from the ego you "project" away your thoughts but you deny that they are your thoughts. They seem like something outside of you.
So you can "step back" away from your projections of meaning on the world and turn inward to God instead. And then from this awareness extend your awareness of God instead by choosing to look on the world from your awareness of God.
I came to the awareness that I am mind by attending to what was occurring in my mind in any situation that disturbed my peace. I saw how all of my experiences of peace or conflict come from my own thoughts and beliefs, not from anything outside of my mind. I wasn't seeking for the awareness that I am mind. It came organically through this practice.
"Attending" means "paying attention to" or "looking at". Yes, I do this with the Holy Spirit. This means that I look at the thoughts in my mind without judging them as good or bad or right or wrong. Just notice my thoughts and how they lead to what I feel - peace or conflict. If they lead to guilt and fear I know I am thinking with the ego. If they lead to release from guilt and fear I know I am thinking with the Holy Spirit.
"Failure to heal is the result of much mis-knowledge of the truth about God, man, idea, and body, and this mis-knowledge stems primarily from orthodox religious beliefs which have not been rooted out of our thought. Few realize to what extent they are blinded by superstitious orthodoxy."
The Infinite Way, 1947
This is in no way an attack on religion as Goldsmith was very religious at one time and uses the Bible to illustrate many of his thoughts. But I was raised orthodox catholic and the amount of guilt you were taught in how to approach God was a lot.
In any case when you start to practice the Course on your own, inside your head, it gets ugly real fast. Not only is there no reinforcement on doing it right there is a constant barrage from the ego on how your screwing up. And the truth is there is no clear cut, step by step, understandable explanation out there on how to practice (in your head) and how to recognize ego attacks. It needs to be so broken down, simplified, that even words like attending have to be explained. But the pay off for people studying the Course could be immense.
Each mind is unique and that's why you must study with the Holy Spirit. It will lead the way for your mind. (Notice how the Workbook to ACIM leaves you with the Holy Spirit after a year of generic lessons).
Why could one not "love and respect" anything or everything within the dream? Awareness of the dream is within the learning of ACIM. What Joy and Gratitude is "happy dreaming" Then when we forget the dream, we reach out to Holy Spirit to lead us to such awareness again:)