Ask: What does ACIM say about the future?

“I understand time is an illusion but we still need to deal with the "world" where we find ourselves. I'd like to know if the Course says anything about the future.” – J

The future is not here and it never will be. It is only a concept in your mind right now. A Course in Miracles points out that the ego (personal thought system) uses this concept to perpetuate guilt:

“By the notion of paying for the past in the future, the past becomes the determiner of the future, making them continuous without an intervening present.” (T-13.IV.4)

The Holy Spirit (the awareness of Truth in your mind) knows that you are only right here, right now in the present. So It conceives of the “future” as an extension of the present:

“Healing cannot be accomplished in the past. It must be accomplished in the present to release the future. This interpretation ties the future to the present, and extends the present rather than the past.” (T-13.IV.9)

Because the future is only a concept any dream or expectation that you have about the future is a fantasy and nothing more. And all worry about the future is really an expectation of punishment that is rooted in the belief that you are guilty. Fantasies about the future or worry about the future are really just ways of avoiding what is really going on in your mind right now. So when you find yourself caught up in fantasy or worry ask the Holy Spirit to help you look at what is bothering you right now. You are either avoiding something painful (fantasy) or expecting punishment (guilty). Both will keep you from being present, which is the only time in which you can be with God (True Being) and work out your obstacles to peace.

When you undo the guilt in your mind you will not think about the past or the future. You will just be present. And, in a practical sense, you will be directed in how to take care of anything now for a future occurrence.

Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace, and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at
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will said…

I have a question. My understanding is we need to be looking at what we ‘see’ as a projection from our mind. That it is a projection and not something that is actually happening in front of us. If we are feeling anger at some situation for example we need to realize that whatever we are looking at is neutral and the anger is something we are projecting on the situation or form. Doing this with the Holy Spirit removes the anger as a block to seeing through the eyes of the Holy Spirit. Can we also do this with past events? If we were in a relationship where there was a lot arguing can we bring up these memories in our mind and see they were a projection from our mind and have it removed. I don’t think I’m saying this very well but you can fill in the blanks.
will said…
According to the chamber of commerce there are 400,000 tourists coming through Sedona each year second only to the Grand Canyon (in Arizona). Living here you would never know it. I live in The Village about five miles south of Sedona proper but it is considered a part of Sedona. No box stores allowed, not much tourist glitz, a lot of art galleries and new age places. The town is in the Coconino National Forest and there are any number of state parks within the area. You come here to be outdoors. Anyway I had to go to Cottonwood where there are box stores to do some shopping and then went out to eat Chinese. I got to thinking about what has happened since the Holy Spirit showed up about four months ago. About that time I had a miracle take place. It may still be going on I’m not sure. I was about a month into it before I put two and two together and realized what was happening. I have been introverted a large part of my life, also plagued by depression. When the miracle started, like I say I wasn’t connecting it to the Course but I started becoming very extroverted. I was smiling and talking to about anyone who would listen, took a volunteer job at the library and started working the front desk. It has been great, I love visiting with people as they check out their books. This was carrying over to all parts of my life. I started running again after a ten year layoff. Small things no longer bother me for the most part, things like waiting in line, traffic stuff like that. I’m really not participating in making the change it just is. I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit most all the time and I put in the effort needed to keep it that way. I turned my finances over to the Holy Spirit and let go. I do my part in what is needed but I don’t pay much attention to it. Again I’m not forcing myself to not pay attention I just feel ‘covered’ and can focus on Course stuff (I'm retired). There are No one hundred percenters where everything is happening all the time but it is there a lot more than it ever has been before. Tonight over the Chinese food I realized how much confidence I have. That may be a result of the fear dying back, probably so. The fear leaves and the confidence is there. I want to use the word power but it has so many weird connotations that I’m a little reluctant. But there is this feeling of power, kind of like I am walking around disconnected from harm(?) Something like that. Again this isn’t 100% of the time but there is a drastic change taking place. I have waited patiently and not so patiently for nine years for the HS to show up and now it is happening just like the Course said it would. I have no awareness that anything special is happening to me like I'm a special person or something, it's just taking place and feels pretty natural. I just wanted to pass this along that yes the Course is the real deal and just hang in there and do the best you can. If I think of other stuff that’s happening I’ll write it down.
Christine said…
I second that! I feel lately that your experience (in content of course) is happening to me ,too. Or, I guess, the 'me I think I am' is becoming less real, less important, etc. I read this passage recently from "The Most Commonly Asked Questions About A Course in Miracles" (by Gloria and Kenneth Wapnik, 1996): "The Test of Truth" in Chapter 14 of the text...discerning between the "dark lessons" of the ego and the "bright lessons" of the Holy Spirit: You have one test, as sure as God, by which to recognize if what you learned is true.[1]If you are wholly free of fear of any kind, and, [2]if all those who meet or even think of you share in your perfect peace, then you can be sure that you have learned God's lesson, and not your own." Isn't this cool?!
ACIM Mentor said…
Yes, Will, you can apply that practice to the past.
I think the word you are looking for is not "power" (as in power-over) but "empowered". Your awareness of the Holy Spirit make you feel empowered where you used to feel powerless. And that's a good thing!
nicci said…
as my day unfolds, over and over i find myself projecting misunderstanding (in my mind) based entirely on past misinterpretations (that seem to be arising from feelings of unworthiness). watching this, i see how engaging forgiveness is releasing myself from the past. what unfolds next for me is surrendering these thoughts to my Inner Teacher for correction. this results in a flooding of awareness of the Presence of Love. the personal i is usually not far behind, running around like a cartoon character and sneaking2 in through a back door to co-op the experience. i am noticing this: with each disruption i am able to return sooner, and with each return i am able to rest longer in this Presence. also, as this practice unfolds i am more aware of how much mis-creating my mind has been engaging in. i feel i am being shown and being guided to go deeper, to surrender in trust to this Presence who is leading me ever closer to Self - Truth - One - Love - God.

(will, in this dream of form, i am not too far away, rural navajo county. thank you for your sharing.)

committed to going beyond ideas to feeling and experiencing ~ endless Love, nicci
will said…
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will said…
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will said…
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will said…
Actually Chapter III The Process of Attaining Inner Peace (p33) has the five stages any of which would be a great morning meditation depending on where you're at that day and in the Course
will said…
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will said…
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Aleta said…
Thank you for sharing your experience, Will! I am having similar experiences, and it is truly wonderful - so liberating!! One thing I'm doing now is that when I wake up, I tell myself what kind of day I will have and it really sets the tone for my whole day. I feel Spirit guiding me to make my day lighter, more fulfilling. There are things going on in my life right now that, pre-Course, I would have been anxious beyond anxious about, but with Trust, I know that All is Well!

A few years ago my husband and I traveled around out west. (We live in eastern Tenn. now, which we enjoy immensely.) We went to various states, and the place I remember of liking the most was Sedona. I thought that if I ever moved out west, Sedona would be the place I would like to live. We especially enjoyed the Thomas Kinkade art gallery. You are blessed to live in such a beautiful, progressive, place (even though it is only illusory!).
Christine said…
I just went to Liz's Answers by Topic section and re-read December 24, 2008's installment entitled, "Instant Karma". Deals very well with this week's question about the future. Worth a read!
will said…
Reading Instant Karma brought back memories from probably seven or eight years ago when I first heard about the UR Text. My understanding is the UR Text is the first time the text was transcribed from Helen's short hand notebook. At that time I bought it for something like $50 and when it came, it was about the size of a NYC phonebook. Somebody had taken the original copies and run them through a Xerox. As usual the conspiracy folks rushed in to find out what has been kept from us all these years. People hunting for a smoking gun. The text had undergone a number of 'revisions' (read cleaning the text up so it could even be read) and there must be some sinister plot...on and on, you get the picture. I haven't looked at it in years. You can Google it and there are a number of sites that have it posted. It's just my opinion but if you’re looking for some deep insight into the Course you’ll find it in the current version of the text. It is just what it says, a very rough text typed by Bill as Helen read from her short hand notebook. Anyway what is in there that I found interesting is the verbatim conversations Helen was having with Jesus. If you want to believe what is going on, which I do, she is writing down what Jesus is saying just like a person having a conversation. He is acting as teacher to a very stubborn Helen but there are also quite a few asides where they are just having a conversation. My memory is, it wasn't much use as a learning tool, probably just serves to confuse if nothing else. Jesus was part of the revisions so ... In Absence from Felicity Wapnick documents quite a bit about Helen's previous lives. I believe she was a Priestess at one time and was at the crucifixion of Jesus. I believe the conversations are the real deal but that’s just me. It's all good fun and you can make of it what you will but for anyone rushing out to find what Bill, Helen and Kenneth are keeping from us you won't get far, it's just not that type of document. I suspect you have already seen it.
4:48 AM
Christine said…
No, I haven't read it, but I think I did hear about it...I had read "Absence from Felicity", though (I'd underline a book title, but one can't here)...I think I will re-read it. Just re-reading what I've just read, ie., Liz's books, I get something new or clearer each time. Have you read Tom Carpenter's 1992 book, "Dialog on Awakening, Communion With a Brother"? I found it on line - a year or so ago, had never heard of it...he is a Course student/teacher and he had ongoing conversations with the Holy Spirit/Jesus and asked all kinds of questions - and it is interesting because when you read what's written down, you'll know it is the very same "Voice", the tone, the temperament, the patience and kindness with which It instructs and gently corrects or concurs. They have a new printing, I believe now - I got mine second hand on Amazon.Thanks for the suggestion!"Poor" Jesus! He must have been "frustrated" communicating with Helen! I am glad they both had "stick-to-ited-ness"! Where would we be if Helen had just wanted to go shopping or to the gym?

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