My Computer Crashed

I made a mistake. I had been backing up my computer every sixth months. The last time was January 15 so I was coming due to do it again. But my computer crashed June 17! Obviously I have not been backing up often enough. Painful lesson learned. Such is life in the imperfect universe of form.

My IT department (my beloved techno-savvy wife, Courtney) has used a recovery program but it looks like much of what I’ve done in the past 5 months has been corrupted and is lost. I’m still sorting it all out (very tedious) but I’ve already found some significant losses. I’ve lost my journal for the past 5 months. And I lost my articles. I can rebuild what has been published from my blogsite but I lost articles I had written to be put out in the next few weeks. Hopefully I will be inspired in the coming weeks!

This week’s article was supposed to be an answer to a question a reader had about dreams. Dear Reader, if you still have your question and my response please email it to me at and I will put it out next week.

If you have an appointment coming up with me, please contact me to be sure I have you on my schedule (I lost that, too). Also, remind me of how often we meet! If you became a new client of mine this year please email me your contact information [address, phone number(s), email address]. Also, remind me about payment. For example, if you bought a block of time and still have some on account.

Now back to sorting out what has been lost and what needs to be rebuilt…

Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace, and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at


Unknown said…
I suggest you subscribe to online backup services like 'Carbonite' or alike.
This way, your files are being constantly monitored and if new/edited - backed up on their drives.
After a crash like that it is very easy to recover.
ACIM Mentor said…
Already done. Lesson learned. Thank you.
MBecz said…
Liz, I may have a question or two I asked and you answered in the last 6 months. Do you want copies?
Anonymous said…
I am just getting back from the grocery store. While I was in there people almost ran into me twice. They were walking really fast and not paying attention. Years ago when I was in counseling for co-dependency my counselor(and mentor)told me that was the co-dependent walk. People like myself at that time raced around from place to place often almost running into people as they went around the corner in a hallway or when someone came out of a doorway. That really stuck with me. What I found was that when you are doing the co-dependent walk you are not able to think. You are in a blackout. Literally. You can have anger, the walk just stokes anger like nothing else, you might be able to keep your destination in mind but that's about it. Road rage, that's the co-dependent walk in a car.
Anonymous said…
If the hard disk is not physically damaged, it is possible to take it out of the crashed computer and put into another computer. In such a way it is possible to recover all the data (all the files) from this hard disk. It is called "data recovery", any computer repairs shop can do it. Michael
Anonymous said…
Data recovery - Hmmm, a kind of metaphor for what A Course in Miracles is teaching. Data recovery of the knowledge of our true Self.

I appreciate the comment Anonymous about the co-dependent walk and how it is a blackout. Interesting.

ACIM Mentor said…
Thank you, Michael.

People, it's done, it's over, it's behind me. So we can move on...
will said…

"For example, "What happens when I die?" implies that the self asking the question exists and that there is some possibility that it is eternal. It is a question that at least hopes to spiritualize the self. No one aware of Truth would ask this question..."
Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace; Liz Cronkhite

I can know the Course says this, I can tell others this with conviction, I can believe that by talking about it, repeating it to others, means I have internalized it and on to the next thing. I can do the whole Course this way... Even knowing the Holy Spirit must make the change leaves me in a state of "waiting."
will said…
A year ago my cell phone contract ended. I didn't renew it. I have a land line with an answering machine. The phone rings a lot but it's telemarketers. I turn the phone to silent so it doesn't ring but people can still leave messages. Last week I pulled the plug for about five days. Pulling the plug has a different feel than just turning off the ringer. You feel disconnected from the world, at least that is the feeling it gives me. I picture myself in a cabin in the mountains away from everyone. Family is gone, friends have drifted away. I have a friend that comes by once a week or so and we visit for a half hour. I am never lonely. Lonely left my life. If I feel a need to visit I know where I can do this without being pulled into someone else's life. In the morning I sit in my chair or outside in the garden and am grateful. I say "I am here Lord." No family, few friends, few responsibilities, silence. I have waited my whole life for this. It will change. I am putting myself in a place with the HS that change can happen if needed.
will said…
Silence does not bring Peace. The ego is louder, more insistent, it's attacks are more cunning. The personal mind almost always leads you in the wrong direction if you listen to it. I could not do this with the level of conscious guilt that I had just a few years ago. The attacks would have been too great, would have felt too great. Progress is measured in how much less I buy into the ego. But God knows there is plenty to work on.
will said…
A foundation of 12 Step is "Pass It On." Virtually everything in 12 Step boils down to Pass It On. Give your peers and the guy coming up behind you as much information and tools to work with as possible to stay clean and sober. Pass on "Your experience, strength and hope" so others will have guidance.
Christine said…
This is so cool, Will! Thank you for writing it.
will said…
Bill Wilson was one of the great spiritually led people of the 20th century. He was the co-founder of AA. The story as I heard it was when AA had really taken off as a successful program people were always coming up to him to thank him for AA and saving their lives or their spouses lives. He would just answer "Pass it on." That's the story as I heard it.
Unknown said…
It's always upsetting to be hit by something like your desktop computer breaking down, with all the files in tow. Indeed, back ups should be done, regularly. I guess, it helps to closely investigate the various ways that corrupted files can be drawn out. With the lack of limits in technological evolution these days, I think it's possible. In any way, thanks for sharing that! Good luck!

Cordia Remsen @ RBSMN
Anonymous said…
Ouch. It's pretty painful when that happens. But that's the nature of computers: they can be quite fragile at times, especially if it’s already a few years old. Thus, it's wise to back up your files often, to avoid losing the most recent changes and new additions, in case your PC crashes again.

Donald Steadman @ Office PCS
good information, very helpful thanks

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