Higher Awareness and Emotions

The ego (personal thought system) comes up with a lot of funny ideas about how the self one projects will show up when they realize Higher Awareness. It’s been implied to me by more than one person that as I rise in consciousness I will become an impersonal automaton. Ha, ha! No. It’s not like that.

First, let me explain what I mean by “Higher Awareness”. The Awareness of Truth (Holy Spirit) is in every mind.  Higher Awareness is an individual expression of the Awareness of Truth. It is the awareness/consciousness/perception that replaces the ego in relation to the self. When I am in the Awareness of Truth I am looking inward at Love. When I am in Higher Awareness, I am looking outward from Love at the experience of the self.

The difference between the view from lower awareness (the level of the self) and the view from Higher Awareness is stark. It is like the difference between seeing the Himalayas from Nepal and seeing them from the International Space Station. Higher Awareness is a much broader view. In It, I sometimes see things outside the bounds of spacetime. I can see how some things will unfold. I experience some things in the future as though they are happening now. The Higher Awareness view is detached and holistic. It sees the greater picture; the interconnectedness of people and events in the unfolding story.

The view from Higher Awareness is not always so broad, however. Mostly it is just the view from Love. It is Joyous and peaceful. But the wider, higher view is always nearby.

I am still realizing Higher Awareness. But with regard to emotions, I don’t expect it to be much different when I’ve come to full realization. I do still feel emotions; I just don’t have any drama around them. It’s as though I feel them as they really are, in their purest form. There’s no ego to give them more meaning than they should have or to use them to punish or distract me. Negative emotions happen, they just do not cut as deep or last as long. It’s much like the emotions I feel watching a movie. They come and go in the moment, and perhaps there’s a little processing afterward.

I go through the stages of grief, just much faster, because I don’t have as many layers to process. I have flashes of anger or frustration, but they go by quickly and are often laughed off.

Love, however, is a different experience now. First, It’s not an emotion. It is What is. But It is also experienced emotionally. And It is all one Love and I feel It everywhere. I do not like to call It impersonal or unconditional, because those words have negative prefixes, but those words are commonly used to express the Love I feel. I do not feel Love for everyone, I just feel Love, period. Sometimes I know I am It. It is my Being. So It is me I extend.

I no longer feel special love (thinking another is the source of Love), but Love is expressed through the self as personal love. How else would It be expressed? The self’s personality flavors the Love expressed and it is experienced as personal by the recipient. For example, the self may adore or enjoy or be charmed by a nearby loved one as usual, but the Love I feel extend through the self is the Love in personal form.

One lesson in this is that what I called love before was not Love at all. It was different things in different circumstances. It was need or attachment or simply fear of loss. It was so tiny a thing! A drop to a vast ocean.

Another lesson is that you do not have to fear that as you rise in awareness you will drop personal relationships. In fact, it is through them that Love extends into the world.

A mentor is someone who walks the path ahead of you. If you want to benefit from my experience and perhaps shorten your process, email me at Liz@acimmentor.com to set up an appointment. Learn more at www.acimmentor.com.

If you have a question the answer to which you think will help others email it to me at Liz@acimmentor.com and indicate that you want it answered in the newsletter/blog.


Christine said…
This is perfect. Could you say overarchingly, that things ( persons/ places...nouns!) are losing their meaning?
Also, I remember quotes from Mary Baker Eddy at times...I like the one where she said, "I love, and you are included in that Love". I love that one! Kind of flattens every thing with a Holy and impersonal meaningless sameness!
ACIM Mentor said…
Christine, things have not had meaning for me for a long time.
will said…
For you Joseph Campbell fans, he said:

"The real dragon is in you, that's your ego holding you in. The most heroic of all acts is the courage to discover who you are and to slay the savage dragon of the ego."
hannah said…
Will, have you read Ken w's book 'the stages of our spiritual journey'? in it he draws parallels between friedrich nietzsche's 'thus spake zarathustra' and acims presentation of the stages of the development of Trust. Nietzsche uses the imagery of 'the dragon of thou shalt'. great imagery, the dragon!
will said…
Hannah, I think I have it. I'll check it out. It has been some time since I looked at his books. Will be interesting to see what they look like now. Thanks.
will said…
Something that probably won't interest Liz that much, but she has attained the level of Spiritual Hero. The "most heroic of all acts." For those who may not know the Hero was his focus for years.
will said…
Hannah, I never developed an interest in what Joseph Campbell was doing. Years ago where I was living, you had to read Campbell if you were “seriously spiritual.” There were a number of books like that. However, myth, the Hero and all that goes with it is not something you turn your nose up at either. It is markers on the long road of humans from the bush onward. The Hero is a serious thing because of its longevity as a symbol in human history. The spiritual hero has been seen as someone who goes forth and reaches his goal (or her goals in this case) and then brings the information back to her people to help them on their own personal journey. I don’t know that much about it and am probably past my limits here in talking about it.
Christine said…
I did like Joseph Campbell's stating to "follow your bliss"...but my "bliss" has turned to the Spirit/Holy Spirit...it doesn't mean to become a blob, but to enjoying the growth of my awareness of Truth/Christ appearing as:...
hannah said…
will, i havent read any joseph campbell. when i was starting to explore spiritual perceptions i was part of a small spiritual community and read what was recommended to me. i read a lot about some out there ideas mixed in with some beautiful messages of love.. i guess like all of us hey!? :D then when i branched out on my own i was drawn to a range of teachings, some older stuff but a lot of new age best sellers also. i liked reading about archetypes, mainly through jung really. i think it has heaps of value, probably on many levels for different folk. looking back now i can see that it started me on the path of accepting that all minds contained the same templates, wrong mindedness and right mindedness, though we seem to develop individually with more or less of certain characteristics and focuses etc. you know.. seeing aspects of my character in every archetype, ever more so as i got more honest!
will said…
Ha! I'm reading about Jung's archetypes right now.
will said…
Christine, What does become a blob mean?
will said…
Meanwhile, getting back to reading and understanding this very interesting and important blog...
hannah said…
it really is fascinating isnt it, will

liz, i always had an idea that as i rose in my awareness of truth, more negative emotions would fall away in time, ie frustration and anger. it sounds like youre saying that this is not what you are seeing now.. that what does fall away is simply guilt for the 'humanness', and with the dropping of guilt a lessening of the time spent with an emotion. is that right?
Christine said…
Will, I think I meant "bliss ninnie"...
ACIM Mentor said…
Hannah, yes, guilt is one large part of what is gone. But the ego supplies a lot of other layers, too. Like backstory. It's hard to explain. What's left is just the fleeting emotion in its pure form without any history or drama.
will said…
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