The Shift in "I"

My experience of “I” has changed. I no longer experience my motivations and actions as coming from a limited, personal, autonomous place. I used to feel “I” was an independent thread in a tapestry of other independent threads. Now I experience “I” as the Tapestry expressing Itself through this thread.
A Course in Miracles says you cannot know What you are in yourself alone. This means you cannot understand yourself as only one thread in the Tapestry. You are the Tapestry as a whole expressing as a single thread.
ACIM speaks in terms of your relationships with others, but, for me, even the way I read that for a long time was limiting. Not yet able to allow the Tapestry to express through me, I tried to understand the Tapestry one thread (relationship) at a time, and it didn’t work. I was relating at the level of the thread rather than at the level of the Tapestry.
The mystical Holy Relationship with another has been my way into understanding this. A mystical Holy Relationship is experienced with Spiritual Vision. On the surface, it appears as though one thread is relating to another thread. But in relating with Spiritual Vision to another, each thread becomes aware it is not isolated or autonomous. It is not even part of the Tapestry; it is the Tapestry Itself. The entire Tapestry is contained in a Holy Relationship. In what seems to be a singular relationship in a plurality of relationships I experience the One Relationship. In other words, a Holy Relationship is never just two threads in the Tapestry. It is the Tapestry expressing Itself as those two threads. It is the whole Tapestry.
I can no longer distinguish “I” from anyone or anything else. When I am centered, I feel I am with everyone. Not just my loved ones and not just those near me or whom I can see. But everyone, everywhere. The whole Tapestry. And I feel available to everyone, everywhere if I am moved to be there for them. But I have no personal motivation to be there for anyone because everything is unfolding perfectly. Any action I am moved to make is part of the perfect unfolding. And this is not something I discern from the personal level.
In this state, I am detached from the personal level with others because I am with everyone on the other level. I am actually detached from the personal level in me. This is why some refer to spiritual awareness as “lonely” at the personal level. You do not relate person-to-person. You do not even relate Spirit to Spirit as there is only one Spirit. You are simply Spirit.

If you want to benefit from my experience and lighten your process, email me at to set up an appointment for mentoring. Learn more at


nicci said…
i am

i typed this and went completely still in wonder at the beauty and clarity of your sharing.

the tapestry and thread metaphor was profoundly helpful in describing the shift that is promised.

thank you n

will said…
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will said…
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will said…
Yeah I deleted it. Got something on my mind that doesn't have anything to do with this.
Anonymous said…
Never judged in Hereness.
Bookends are that which supports "vertically".
will said…
A. If that's for me I don't have a clue what your attempting to say. If not, peace brother.
Anonymous said…
It's my lesson as I watch a self concept be undone. Letting go the spiritual ego is all.
will said…
Well, not every week is great. This is one of those learning/growing weeks... William doesn't always show up here as Peace and Love. I come here warts and all. Thanks for the reply.

I have been reading about Babylon and Nineveh two cities in the 2000BC range. In the late nineteenth century there was a golden era of studying and clearing the ruins. The guys that went in there about 1870, entered an era in Syria and Lebanon that was still living as they did in the past. Bedouin's and such. History looks different from that perspective. I got to thinking about a growing up Jesus. That was what the rant was about.
Christine said…
I've been reading your posts for a decade now, and I have unlearned so much! When I was in Christian Science, a kind church lady lent me a book entitled A Kinship With All Life, by Jake Allen Boone...I never have forgotten something he wrote in it about the 3 stages of development in the quest for God: the first is the physical/ material, the second is the mental, and the third the spiritual/ mystical. I think we've grown along with you, Liz, in your journey of undoing, and getting your/ Our awareness back of the Awareness of Truth. Thanks for this clear post.
Francis said…
Liz, how often are you in this state? As you describe it the one we call Jesus was in the same or similar state while in this world only always.
George Fordham said…
"We are in this world, but not of it" Are we concentrating on the "not of it " and overlooking an important duty of being "in this world " ? The historical Jesus managed to get a balance here and not mix up the levels.
ACIM Mentor said…
Francis, always, but still to varying degrees. The echo of the ego is still here, but I see through it easily now. That's all that keeps my awareness from being at a consistent level.
ACIM Mentor said…
George, my experience is now that I am not of the world, but the world is in me. "World" really means a perception of what is real. When I am in Higher Awareness my "world" reflects my Love back to me. When I am not seeing that I know I am not seeing truly. The world I see is false.

Actions in the world of form are only effects of the world you see. Behavior follows thought. If duty is important to you in your world then do what you must to fulfill it for your own peace of mind.
will said…
The ego may not put up with what is going on here. Minds are veering off in different directions. Some turn to the comfort of emotion, some intellectualize, some anger, some attack.

Liz is living what the Course says. You are not Will or Mary or Joe with your opinions, emotions and thoughts. Step aside from them. Observe. I know this because it has my ego all riled up. I was off trying to wrestle it to the ground. Whew!
will said…
IMHO, I think right outside my awareness there is a hurricane going on. Liz is saying “death” to the ego’s ears. Death to the beast. What does the course say will happen when the ego is threatened? I may think I am calmly reading her blog but the ego is on red alert and it’s trying to get me to identify with whatever it is using to get my attention. Whatever is my weak point. Time to grab onto something sturdy like a mantra or something.
ACIM Mentor said…
Will, how about a mantra about there is no death? Even the ego doesn't "die". You see it isn't real and it falls away. Remember, it only speaks for itself; never you.
will said…
Doesn't the ego fear its own death. Is it the word death that is the problem?
will said…
Check your August 15, blog.I really don't have an argument with it. If you feel the distinction is important then I do too.
ACIM Mentor said…
Yes, it fears its own death. But you don't have to take on its fear of nonexistence as your own. (Here's a secret: It already does not exist.)

Let me check out that blog...
ACIM Mentor said…
Oh, yeah, well, as you know I dropped the ego-identifier concept pretty quickly. But, yes, as long as you identify with the ego you will fear dropping it is equivalent to dying.

Here's a thought that came to me last week: If you fear nonexistence you must think it's possible.
will said…
I want to ask you about what you just said about nonexistence but another time. I have been meaning to ask you about time. We automatically include past and future as a part of time. Recently have you left those two behind. My understanding from what I've read is when a person is having your type of changes they live only in the present. Other than meditation, staying in the present is almost mentally painful for me.
ACIM Mentor said…
Will, you won't be able to stay present until it's natural. Until then, just bring your mind into the present and remember Truth when you can. Even just a few seconds will do. Then go about your business. You'll find even these breaks from time are helpful.
will said…
I need to ask you something else. When you said that when "you identify with the ego." When I was writing the ego stuff the picture I had in my mind is the ego, separate from my personal mind and out of conscious awareness, is directing my thoughts. That this is the attack we have to be so careful about
ACIM Mentor said…
It isn't out of your conscious awareness, though, is it? You feel it and think with it all the time. What's out of your conscious awareness is your choosing it. You only know you've done it because it's there. But then you can choose again.
Deb said…
This correspondence between Liz and Will, well I have this share . . . awakened from a sleeping dream I was observing of planning the burial of Deb's body and was making a change to it's cremation. So if Deb is gone, who was making this change?

Then last night the idea of destiny came up and sensing a prompt of further looking at the idea of destiny, a time concept, a past beginning and a future end, the idea of death of not existing. Who will no longer exist?

Then recalling receiving an answer to my question, "what am I afraid of" and the answer, "not being in control of my destiny", I now see the hidden fear, the belief in a some"body" that has a destiny, a beginning and an end - death.

Well Merry Christmas to Me.
will said…
Deb, I'm not sure I understand. Are you just now realizing as a person you have a fear of death?

Deb said…
I was attempting to connect the dots and reading the correspondence you were having with Liz prompted my post. I am coming from the watcher position not person. The ego's fear of no self. The ego disappearing. I am definitely going through some kind of shift, integration or something so no worries Will.
will said…
Excellent. I have been reading your posts too long to worry about you. Deb what do you mean by The ego's fear of no self? I'm with you on coming from the observer position.
Deb said…
I guess the way I see fear is ego and of late it is posing in the form of physicsl anxiety after higher miracles or deep Silence and I sense a kind of no self but non abiding. Words don't come easy to describe. Maybe it is too soon to even talk about it.
will said…
D. I wasn't trying to pin you down. Somewhere along the line I lost my understanding of the dynamics of the ego and the personal mind. Actually I think I lost some of my understanding of the ego. Or something. When Liz made her first comment about the mantra and was talking about the ego it was like the pieces kind of derailed. This has been going on for some weeks.
Deb said…
Exactly Will and I am discovering this mind is going through a purification and this morning, standing in all my nakedness of not knowing, it is okay. How this mind oriented itself before gets kind of lost and dropping the figuring it out and just trusting it all and like that is all.

I hear Mooji saying, "don't give it to the mind" and just keep quiet". We will look back at some point with more clarity as Liz has demonstrated so we'll with this blog.

Empty the mind and trust what unfolds.

I love you, Deb
will said…
When I write on the blog I know spiritual answers or clarifications will come. I have been plagued by fear the past week. I have been pushing it away as a means of dealing with it. When you mentioned fear I realized I was running and needed to admit the fear, admit my powerlessness and ask for help. Things began falling into place.
Deb said…
Yes, the blog is one of many forms the Holy Spirit uses. I am recalling one of Liz's articles, "Resistance is the path".
Quite helpful when it comes to accept everything. Peace,
will said…
I was bothered earlier in the blog by the complexity of spirituality. Watching a video here in the middle of the night Robert Spira was saying that infinite consciousness has to be filtered down into a finite mind, why should we be surprised that there are certain laws that control this process?
That probably doesn't mean anything to anyone but me, but it does again show the process of writing on the blog brings knowledge or learning at least:-)
will said…
The Observer

The Observer is watching from a distance the mind thinking, the body seeing. But what it is watching doesn’t exist. So, pull back and be the Observer without observing. Without the action of observing. That is all there is. You have taken away what doesn’t exist and gone to the only thing that does exist.
will said…
Liz, I'm thinking the tapestry is is being seen against a screen. Like words on a computer screen. They are not a part of the screen. The screen is awareness, is God. The Tapestry is an expression of the screen.
ACIM Mentor said…
Will, I can't quite get my mind around what you're saying, but it if works for you!
will said…
I haven't got it clear in my own mind yet. Working on it.
Will, there is nothing you have to get “clear in my own mind.” If you are focussing on “your mind” and “thinking” you are going in the wrong direction! The Truth is in the Silence....not mind, not thinking.

Ask, beg, demand Holy Spirit to show you the Truth.....and be WILLING to hear Holy Spirit’s NON-VERBAL answer....which is Silence.
Much love.
will said…
Thank You, cairn!

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