Addressing the Unfairness of the Atonement

          There is an idea in some nonduality circles, including in A Course in Miracles, that everyone must and will awaken. But seeing consciousness as I do now, as a depiction of the Atonement, or the moment of the idea of not-God arising and simultaneously being undone by God’s Onlyness unfolding over time, I understand this to mean not that every expression of consciousness must awaken, but that every expression of consciousness has a part to play in the awakening of the one consciousness.

Therefore, everyone is playing their part perfectly, from those whose lives depict almost pure ego to those that depict realization of Spirit. (At this point in the Atonement, most are going to fall somewhere between these extremes.)

This means that to some, consciousness—the Atonement—can seem inherently unfair. Perhaps this is what gives rise to ideas like reincarnation in some cases so that it can seem that each expression of consciousness can have as many chances as needed to awaken, which would make it seem fair. (Other ideas fostering the idea of reincarnation are guilt and the false idea that consciousness is to evolve into Spirit.) But all ideas behind reincarnation merely reinforce ego, or the belief that consciousness is real.

And it would be unfair if each expression of consciousness represented something real. But they don’t. Each depicts an idea (the undoing of the idea of not-God) to some degree, that is all.

Let me share with you where this awareness comes from. This space, this expression of consciousness called “Liz”, was occupied by ego, with a full-on story for the person as her life, her existence. Ego was the “I” of that life. Liz eventually became aware that Spirit, or Truth, was also here, still and quiet, whole and complete. After a while, the “I” of consciousness (by which consciousness means what is real to it) began to shift toward Spirit.

In the moment I call The Break, the “I” of this expression of consciousness completed the shift to Spirit. This consciousness now realizes Spirit as ego continues to fall away.

Although Spirit was there throughout the former life, Spirit did not live that life. Spirit has no sense of that former like as its own, just the awareness that it once occupied this space, this consciousness. The former life of this consciousness had no effect on immutable Spirit, although Spirit’s Presence obviously influenced the shape of that life. It manifestly depicted the Atonement as a Spirit-centered life.

That life ended at The Break, with what is commonly called “Liz’s awakening.” This was not consciousness attaining Spirit but of Spirit replacing ego in consciousness So, ego served no purpose, except to be the replaced to “correct” consciousness. It expressed the idea of not-God and was replaced by the Idea of God.

There is a cosmic joke at play here. Listening to ego, the thing that tells consciousness it is real, consciousness embarks on what seems to be a lofty journey of awakening or enlightenment. But once consciousness awakens, or comes to be inhabited by Spirit, it discovers the whole process has no real meaning! Nothing real is occurring no matter whether consciousness depicts ego or Spirit. (Talk about unfair! [I write this with a hearty laugh.])

So, if you feel it is unfair that what you think of as real, your expression of consciousness, may not awaken, remember it is only a depiction of an idea. It does not have to get anywhere, it is never a failure for it to be whatever it is. (Apply this to those around you, too.) If what bothers you is the pain of ego, I will tell you this: Yes, liberation is lovely, but it is not an easy or comfortable process. It “costs” everything you value, the whole world you think you live in, the whole thought system you think is “life.” In any case, Spirit is also here in consciousness to mitigate the pain of ego, as well as the discomfort of liberation, should you face that. Make Spirit the center of your life. (Of course, if you do or do not, that is the expression of the Atonement, and it is perfect!)

For those who feel they wish to hell they never got on a bloody spiritual path, they don’t want liberation after all, it’s turning out to be not what they were expecting, they are afraid of what they will face, they feel it is unfair that they cannot choose to get off the path, I say: Emphasize growing your awareness of Spirit. Because after all, Truth is not only the only comfort to be had from the false (ego), It is What you feel coming to take the place of ego, to some degree or totally.



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nicci said…
there is so much beauty in this posting ...
this path is a deep well...
thank you Beloved One.
will said…
For many students beginning the course was based on sensing the course was written by Jesus/ Holy Spirit. For some this never left their consciousness. In fact, it increased over time to a learning relationship with spirit as well as friendship. Yet the desire for the “big bang” of enlightenment was still a driving force. In T-25.VI the course reveals that the HS has a Special Function for every student. It is worth looking at.

I have tried to reframe my expectations into acceptance. Studying with spirit is worth all the time I put into the course and with spirit by my side I don’t have to worry about where I’m headed.

Lesson 158 can be helpful with today's blog. It is easy to read but can be difficult to understand as well as believe. In any case we all have a different function so one person's understanding of the course can be different than another's. So don’t abandon spirit out of frustration. It will lead you through this if you allow it.
will said…
We can't help it. We are programmed to understand "to awaken" or have a revelation as validation of our specialness. Maybe it is time to take a personal inventory into our spiritual expectations.
will said…
In doing the course I continue to be cautious when interpreting the Holy Spirit. I'm not sure "knowledge" is even available to us.
hannah said…
Oi! I was conceived on Mount Lofty. No joke 😉
hannah said…
Actually Liz, this was very helpful, it sunk in deeply into a sore, sorrowful guilty construct.

I had never REALLY connected my realisations together in that way, and (to state the obvious) hadn't done so in conversing with you either, despite the obviousness both experientially and logically and despite hearing you say the words. Consciousness IS the idea of the atonement!! My god, the innocence of it all!

Yippee I aayyyyy!

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