Fully Realizing Spirit

 (The “I” in this article is the expression of consciousness called Liz.)


When The Golden Light of Love came to this mind in 2017, a few months before I fully shifted to Spirit-consciousness, I recognized it was the Vision I had first experienced in a mystical holy relationship when I was twenty and a new student of A Course in Miracles. But because it came to this mind alone, it was not yet the shift to Spirit-consciousness. It simply hailed the imminent arrival of the shift. I was still, as I had been for many years, aware of Spirit within, but still seeing meaning in the material world that seemed outside of me. When the shift to Spirit-consciousness occurs, what was once one’s inner world with Spirit becomes one’s only world, the real world. In other words, meaning is found only in Spirit.

The Shift happened in the spring of the following year and resulted in the recognition that I am not in the material world but the material world is in me and it is meaningless. Meaning is in the real world, in the Vision of Love and Light, instead. The material world is an insubstantial framework through and around which Love extends, and part of that extension for this mind is a holy relationship with a woman named Hannah in whom I see my Self.

A mystical holy relationship undoes ego because its meaning is not in persons or the form of a relationship but in the Vision of Oneness, or Unity. The result for the one experiencing Vision is the breakdown of ego and this is not comfortable.

Whether one is in a mystical holy relationship or a practical one, where one invites the Holy Spirit into the relationship but does not experience Vision, it is a challenge to ego. I hear from students that they, or other students, believe that since the person is a false identification, they don’t have to deal with the issues that come up in relationships. “I am not this person, I am Spirit, so I don’t have to look at my stories of pain, hurt, trauma, fear of God.”  But if you have truly invited Spirit into a relationship, if you are truly advancing spiritually, you will be facing your wounds. It will just happen, because those stories represent resistance to God, ego, which blocks Love’s extension in your awareness.

A few weeks ago, I wrote that you must face your painful memories and personal stories of trauma if you want to advance spiritually. In fact, what I should have written is that you will face painful memories and personal stories of trauma as you advance spiritually. As I wrote last week, when the Light breaks up the darkness, this shows up as a breakthrough in the human drama. There is, in consciousness, the appearance of cause and effect. For one on a spiritual path, they are led by Spirit to face their stories of trauma and pain so they can see past these manifestations of resistance to God and Light can extend in their awareness.

Understand cause and effect in these situations. Psychotherapy and healing one’s pain and trauma will not automatically lead to spiritual advancement, but one’s spiritual advancement will result in personal healing. It may seem counterintuitive, but spiritual advancement shows up as a mature, psychologically, and emotionally healthy person.

For this mind, the extension of Love has resulted in recovered memories of a time when she (Liz) was a child and Spirit came and, in guilt and fear, she fled deeper into ego. This was not a traumatic event but was experienced as such at the time. The results of seeing this are still unfolding and resulting in further extension and greater peace. At the same time, I am back in touch with Hannah after we had parted for a few months, the fierce resistance I had toward her almost completely dissolved, taking with it the tension in our relationship.

So, don’t fool yourself into thinking you will avoid facing pain and trauma on a spiritual path that says none of this is real. Reading this in a book is not realizing this in your awareness. And being aware of Spirit with you or even within you is not the same as realizing Spirit. Spirit is fully realized when Love is fully extending in your awareness, replacing ego.

It is also not a sign that you are not advancing spiritually when you bump up against fear and psychological and emotional trauma that seems to stop you in your tracks for a while. You will see these things before you see past them.

In any case, your person will seem to advance as far as it is their part to play and it will be perfect. You cannot go wrong, you cannot fail, no matter how far that is.


If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to Liz@acimmentor.com and indicate that you want it answered in this newsletter/blog.


will said…
Instructions for this weeks blog are found in PART I of the lessons; Lessons 1-220. Studying these with Jesus is a necessity.
will said…
Like any other course, studying means studying not "doing" the lessons again.
will said…
Remember, before you abandon any part of the written course, Liz in collaboration with spirit, wrote the text and lessons in plain language. You could hardly have a more intense learning experience than that.
will said…
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will said…
The Quiet Answer T-27.IV

“In quietness are all things answered, and is every problem quietly resolved. In conflict there can be no answer and no resolution, for its purpose is to make no resolution possible, and to ensure no answer will be plain.” THE BOOK SAYS THIS!

But! Every time you have a serious problem you walk to the edge of the cliff of ego and then jump. No net. You’re in free fall hoping Quietness will catch you.

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