Enlightenment Rather Than Awakening

            For a while it has seemed that the concepts of a dream and awakening were great analogues for consciousness and the experiences that reveal the Onlyness of God, and that consciousness is a false reality. But now they seem like concepts shaped by ego.  Because what would be the dreamer of the dream that then awakens? Certainly, God is not lost to Itself in a dream! Consciousness represents a false idea (the opposite of God) that was simultaneously undone by God’s All-encompassing nature. So, to God consciousness is an impossible idea. Only the idea of time within that idea makes it seem like the idea of not-God arose long ago and will be undone in some indefinite future.

Consciousness registers either ego projecting ego or Spirit extending Spirit. It does not have agency. So, while consciousness here was dominated by ego, even buried under it as ego conflated itself with it, consciousness did not dream ego and then awaken to Spirit as though it took a journey from the false to the Real. Ego was its center until Spirit took center, revealing consciousness to be a neutral receptive mechanism. All sense of journey was ego.

 Perhaps, as a delusional thought system that asserted an illusion (consciousness) as reality, ego was the dreamer and the dream. But ego never awakens from itself. It does not become Spirit. It falls away from consciousness.

As Spirit has come to take the center of consciousness here, it could be said that “the Light has come.” So, enlightenment seems a more apt term now than awakening, as what has been brought to light is that there is nothing here that was lost in a dream and has awakened to its reality.


If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to Liz@acimmentor.com and indicate that you want it answered in this newsletter/blog.


Anonymous said…
The Holy Spirit doesn’t send Truth to illusion. (T-17.I)
Look at the history of the world.
If you think you are just banging your head against the spiritual wall, that may very well be taking place. Since time began for man, he has been trying to get the Holy Spirit to show up in the dream. ACIM says we have been doing it backwards. This is not an easy practice to change.
You don’t ask Truth to forgive sin in the dream.
You bring ILLUSION to Truth for forgiveness of the dream.

Anonymous said…
Study T-17.I.1-6

Know that, "What is done in dreams has not really been done. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO CONVINCE THE DREAMER THIS IS SO..." (T-17.I.5-6)

If you have been using intellectual mind power to experience the dream as a dream that is the pain you feel from banging your head against the spiritual wall.
Anonymous said…
It is completely normal to continue to experience guilt in all its manifestations as you begin the practice of bringing illusion to Truth. It is completely normal for the mind and everyone around you, to tell you this practice is hog wash. This is a long term process. Years.
Anonymous said…
Trying to bring the process of bringing illusion to Truth before you spiritually prepared can be self defeating. It feels fake. Hopefully there will come a time when the Holy Spirit will tap you on the shoulder and then you will know it is a joint venture between you and the Holy Spirit. When this happens it feels different than when you were trying to do it on your own.
Anonymous said…
If we use the concept "dream" as a teaching aide, the concept of awakening will continue to have its place.
Anonymous said…

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