Ask: What is happening with psychics and NDEs?

           “What is happening when someone like a ‘psychic’ is speaking with a dead relative and the information can be confirmed by a living relative, or when someone has a ‘near death experience’ and tells of meeting Jesus or dead family members? Are we just jumping timelines, thinning a veil, simply changing the quality of the dream or is it just the layers of this illusion?” –WW

These are just layers of the illusion.

Psychic phenomena are simply moments when one has access to consciousness as a whole and tunes into what is to happen or sees another’s story for themselves and others. Some have ongoing access to information in consciousness, others have it occasionally, or maybe only a moment or two in their life.

Near death experiences (NDEs) and mystical experiences could be seen as the “thinning of the veil.” To use an analogy I’ve used before, if the sun represents God and sunlight represents Christ and a house represents consciousness, the occupant of the house would be ego and God/Christ’s Spirit (Holy Spirit) would be sunlight streaming into the house. The “thinning of the veil” would be the glass through which the sunlight streams being cleaner, or perhaps the drapes being more sheer, so more light comes in. Since the occupant of the house only knows the house and itself, the occupant feels that the sunlight incidentally streaming in through the window is there for it and that it means something about the occupant. But all it reveals is that there is a sun beyond the house and the occupant, and it has nothing to do with the house and its occupant.

But this is the Atonement, the “story” that is unfolding in consciousness. There is an illusion that something is lost to God (consciousness) and must return to God, representing the moment the idea of not-God arose in God’s mind and is simultaneously undone. It is a projection of an idea, a depiction, a representation, not anything real at all. Those “thinning of the veil” experiences are the “correction”, the Atonement manifesting in the illusion. But both “error” and “correction” are unreal and have no real meaning. They are just a story. The only Truth in those experiences is the Spirit that inspires them, a Spirit that points to Reality beyond consciousness. It is not Spirit’s intention to validate the illusion of consciousness. However, ego—that which in consciousness asserts the reality of consciousness—takes those experiences and validates its sense of consciousness as reality through its religions and spiritualities, making deeper layers in its delusion. But this does not matter, because the entire thing is just a story.


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