The Election and This Person

           In a couple of months, the Republican House and Senate of this nation will begin to legislate this country into a Christian autocracy (dictatorship). (See Project 2024.) Knowing that Liz here values a democratic republic, and one that separates church and state, some have asked how this person has responded to the election since she has shifted consciousness.

To explain, I will backtrack a bit.

At The Shift, what I call the ontological ego fell away. This means that the experience of existence that was here is gone. That experience of existence was that consciousness and ego are reality. What remained to slowly wind down was what I call the psychological ego, which is what one normally thinks of as ego—the guilt and fear, the judgmental and attacking thoughts, etc. After several difficult years of ego rising fully to conscious awareness, this consciousness has become quieter, more open, and lighter as the power of the psychological ego has diminished greatly as it continues to fall away. But it is still here, if rather shrunken And a few months ago, it began showing up as a very uncomfortable emptiness for which there is no remedy. Ego squirms against its inherently empty nature.

I have written often since The Shift about how the person and ego are not the same. The person is a neutral expression of consciousness. Ego is like something that has inserted itself into consciousness and claimed the person for itself. This has become clearer as ego falls away, because Liz’s thoughts, feelings, and actions simply arise and pass through this consciousness now. What is gone is what used to judge those thoughts, feelings, and actions as it claimed them for itself. For example, ego used to say things like, “That is not very spiritual.” Or, “You should not feel this, you should be more spiritually advanced than this.” That this has gone missing shows me, again, how Liz is merely an expression in consciousness, a character in a story, and it was never her distinct thoughts and opinions and actions that were ego, but the judgments on them that were ego.

Recently, I moved. And for some reason—I really have no idea—this gave ego something onto which to project its emptiness, or, really, just bad feelings of all kinds. And there were a lot of physical attacks that I came to see clearly were ego’s resistance to the move, too. Whatever the feelings, emotional, psychological, or physical, I let them be. And as I sat with them, it became increasingly obvious that the feelings were here, in this consciousness, and their source was not the move or anything else. There were bad feelings here in this consciousness because ego is still here and it is a bad-feeling experience. Ego projected the source of the bad feelings onto the move to not see that it was the source of its own bad feelings.

Obviously, this is not news to me. I’ve known ego projects for 40 years! It has just never been “small” enough for me to sit with the feelings, see that they are right here and nowhere else, and watch as ego projects onto something outside to deny it is the source of them.

And so it was with the election. In this case, I understand why the projections were occurring where they were because Liz’s values were being challenged, giving ego something more to grab onto. But my response was the same as it was with the move. I allowed the thoughts and feelings, and even expressed my grief and concerns over the election with others, but with no judgment on any of this. It is clear this time that at the bottom of the grief is guilt, but that is simply to say that ego is still here, since guilt is the experience of ego. The feelings at first were very strong, and it was for a while a longer process of letting ego spew in my mind—and sometimes with others—before I was able to access more than intellectually the awareness that all these thoughts and feelings are in this consciousness and have nothing to do with what is appearing. This process shortened within a few days and has rarely been necessary since.

It is also very clear that if Liz had other values and liked the election’s outcome, ego would simply project its inherent discomfort onto other things—perhaps illegal immigrants and transgender women.

Liz is just a neutral expression of consciousness, a character in the story unfolding in time and consciousness, with her own thoughts, feelings, values, and preferences. She has a role to play in the larger story, but with ego gone, there is nothing to identify with her, so nothing to judge her.

It is as though Liz is a piece in a puzzle. When ego was here, it was focused on that puzzle piece alone. With ego gone, Liz is revealed as part of a greater whole. She does not exist in a vacuum, her thoughts, feelings, values, opinions, and actions are all expressions of the greater whole. And so it is with everyone else.


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