The Course and Morality

Do you prefer that you be right or happy? Be you glad that you are told where happiness abides, and seek no longer elsewhere. (T-29.VII.1)

You don’t have to be a student of the Course for long to realize it is not at all concerned with what is happening in the world. The Course does not lay out the “right way” for you to live in the world because the world is not your reality. There is no right or wrong because a dream is a dream is a dream. There is no “morality of God” because to God all of this is meaningless.

It can be a while, though, before you have the experiences of the holy instant and holy relationship that will lead you to see that this “life” you seem to be living is a dream, a projection of your mind. Until you have those experiences again and again it will be difficult for you to detach from what is happening in the world. An intellectual understanding of the Course is not enough to help you see that questions about how to live in the world are meaningless.

So, in the meantime, while you are still so invested in the world, which moral code should you live by? The best answer is to choose to live by a morality that is most comfortable for you. It will not be right – it will not be wrong, either. It will be nothing, like everything “here” in the world. In time you will grow uncomfortable with any morality because you will recognize that any concept about the world does not serve your goal of awakening. By that point you will be living in daily communion with your Holy Spirit and you will trust that you will know which choice to make in any situation.
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