Seeing God in Others

And meaning always looks within to find itself, and then looks out. All meaning that you give the world outside must thus reflect the sight you saw within; or better, if you saw at all or merely judged against. (T-20.VIII.10)

The Course tells us to see God in our “brothers”. It’s not referring to what the body can see – another body. Nor is it referring to another’s personality or ego. If this is what you see, you have looked within and seen ego first, before you looked outward.

In my own experience, I do not see God “in” anyone. When I am centered within in God, anything my eyes see is neutral and frankly unimportant or meaningless. And I just experience God, within, without, everywhere.

Everyone describes the experience differently, so don’t get too hung up on words. Some may say they see God “in” or “around” or “beyond” or “instead of”. The words are not important; the experience is. Just be certain that you will experience “out there” what you experience within yourself first.

So if you are confronted with someone you have judged unworthy in some way so that you feel it is impossible to see God “in” them, understand that you are seeing their ego because you have looked within and believed that ego was your reality, too. In your mind, take a step back from the situation and realize – oops! -- you’ve made a mistake in perception about yourself. Now remind yourself that you are a holy Part of God and what appears before your eyes is not reality, it is merely nothing. No need to take it seriously! Just let it go and rest in God.


I was in a store yesterday and a woman was buying a lot of vodka and cigarettes. I felt sure she was addicted to these substances.

I noticed that I was judging her and that all of them were a function of seeing her as a body.

I then forgave myself for that and let that go. Then I told the Holy Spirit (HS) that I wanted to see things differently, through the HS's eyes.

I felt a shift right away!

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