The Course and Raising Children

The world is an illusion. Those who choose to come to it are seeking for a place where they can be illusions, and avoid their own reality. Yet when they find their own reality is even here, then they step back and let it lead the way. (W-155.2)

Students of the Course who are raising children often wonder how they can pass along to their children what they are learning from the Course. Of course, you cannot tell them that the world is not real or that their lives here are not real. You cannot even tell adults that until they have shown some willingness to accept the idea. This is why it is always best to step back and let your Self lead the way when it comes to talking to others about your path (or not talking about it, as the case may be).

Your children will learn by watching you. Older children may see a change in you and ask what has brought it about. Depending on their age and maturity, you may be able to read the Course with them. You can also prepare them for opening themselves to Truth by reinforcing in them the idea that God is within their minds, that God is love, that they are part of God, and that they cannot sin. You may do this in very rudimentary ways at first just to prepare them for a time later in life when they may choose to awaken.

Children of all ages can be taught to sit quietly every day and listen within for God. With the very young, you can help them establish this habit early. Older children may show an interest in your meditation practice or may show some other interest in your spirituality that opens the door for you to teach them to do this.

Just as with adults, you should wait until children seem receptive to learning about Truth. If you try to force your beliefs on others, it only reinforces fear. The goal is to help prepare others for God by helping them to learn that God is love, not fear. Sometimes you may have to say things that are not strictly in line with what you know to be true, but it may be all they can accept for now. You have to speak to others in a language they can understand – even when you are overflowing with all the love and peace the Truth has to offer! What should guide you is what is best for them at the moment and what will inspire willingness in them to open themselves to God.


jandvig said…
Hi Liz,
lately I'm sensing a kind of (deceitfulness?) in not speaking truthfully to people. Almost as if I'm pretending, and it's resonating as dishonest. But I know that speaking what I know is True would not be helpful to them until they're ready to hear it.
Can you offer any words about my sense of dishonesty?
P.S. very happy about your book. I pre-ordered it ..... thank you, again.
ACIM Mentor said…
As you grow aware of Truth, Janet, it's normal to experience this split between your inner awareness and what seems like your outer life. They cannot be reconciled. Truth cannot be brought into illusion, but illusion can be brought to Truth, and undone.
Remember, the goal isn't to change the world, but to change your mind about the world's reality. If you know the Truth, you can just rest in It, and then allow whatever comes out of your mouth to come out, without judgment. Your sense of dishonesty is just the personal mind trying to make you 'wrong'.

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