Specific Answers and Trust

All questions asked within this world are but a way of looking, not a question asked. A question asked in hate cannot be answered, because it is an answer in itself. A double question asks and answers, both attesting the same thing in different form. The world asks but one question. It is this: "Of these illusions, which of them is true? Which ones establish peace and offer joy? And which can bring escape from all the pain of which this world is made?" Whatever form the question takes, its purpose is the same. It asks but to establish sin is real, and answers in the form of preference. "Which sin do you prefer? That is the one that you should choose. The others are not true. What can the body get that you would want the most of all? It is your servant and also your friend. But tell it what you want, and it will serve you lovingly and well." And this is not a question, for it tells you what you want and where to go for it. It leaves no room to question its beliefs, except that what it states takes question's form. (T.27.IV.4)

It may not seem like it, but questions about the mechanics of the “separation” from God, about the world and your individual life are not real questions – they are validations of separateness in the form of a question. There is no way to answer them in a real way because the answer will validate separateness, too. But that does not mean you should not ask them. The first thing you must do is learn to hear the Holy Spirit and to establish a relationship with the Holy Spirit. And that is going to happen in the context of where you believe you are right now. The Holy Spirit will always answer you in a loving way right where you are in a way that you can understand and use.

The Holy Spirit will answer every specific problem as long as you believe that problems are specific. His answer is both many and one, as long as you believe that the one is many. (T-11.VIII.5)

What has led to confusion down through the ages is that some have confused the specifics of the Holy Spirit’s answers with Truth. Religions have been founded on the answers that some inspired writers have written down to their specific questions as though the Holy Spirit was answering for everyone for all time! But the world is never real, it is always false perception. From the Holy Spirit’s point of view, its only use is to facilitate your awakening. When you first decide to awaken the Holy Spirit uses the world as a tool to reach you so you can learn to trust the Holy Spirit. If you ask, you will be answered. But the answer is not what is important. It is that you asked and that you accepted an answer from the Holy Spirit that is important.

The value of the Atonement does not lie in the manner in which it is expressed. In fact, if it is used truly, it will inevitably be expressed in whatever way is most helpful to the receiver. This means that a miracle, to attain its full efficacy, must be expressed in a language that the recipient can understand without fear. This does not necessarily mean that this is the highest level of communication of which he is capable. It does mean, however, that it is the highest level of communication of which he is capable now. The whole aim of the miracle is to raise the level of communication, not to lower it by increasing fear. (T-2.IV.5)

In time you will learn you do not have to ask specific questions because you will learn that all perceived “problems” represent your one “problem” – perceived separation from God. And because the Holy Spirit has always answered you, you will realize that this is not real because you are not separate from God.

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