Ask: How can I declare myself an alcoholic when I am a holy child of God?
I've been in a 12-step program for many years. I’m no
longer comfortable declaring myself an alcoholic because I know from A Course in Miracles
that I am a holy child of God. But I have benefited from the program and part
of me wants to continue in it. I’m in conflict and don’t know what to do. (August
9, 2013)
Your mind is an extension of God’s Mind (Truth). God within
your mind (child of God/Christ) is one with God. But your mind is split and God
is not all that is in it. You also have a self and a thought system about the
self in your mind. The self (body/personality) with which you identify and its
thought system (ego) are not part of God. These are ideas completely apart from
God. They do not come from God and they will never be one with God. And it is
the self that has the disease of alcoholism.
When you stand up in a meeting and say, “I am So-and-so and
I am an alcoholic” you are simply stating a fact about the imperfect self. You
can state this while knowing that God within you is eternally perfect and
unchanged by the imperfect self. God within you is the Power greater than the
self the awareness of Which “restores you to sanity”.
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30 years sober.
"They" say that because I'm an "alcoholic" and an "addict" that I'm supposed to miss getting drunk and high. The fact of the matter is that I don't. I don't miss committing suicide on the installment plan Who in their right mind would TRULY "miss" that???The alcohol poisoned "hangovers", puking in the bowl and taking drugs to face the day. I don't miss the wrecked cars and jail time. I love being free and clear brained. I can't even say or type the word "sober" anymore because beyond that word there is "God" Eckhart Tolle is right. So was Jiddu Krishnamurti. I wish everybody would question what they have been "told". Whatever it was...don't believe it. Belief systems are meant to be broken and yours is no longer valid. Have a wonderful holiday.
I didn't know what this was at the time so I began to ask my therapist about it and he had no idea what I was talking about. I also asked the inmates there if they were experiencing any like symptoms and they said no and that they too didn't know what I was talking about.
I know now that this was my ego "dying" and of course, it fights very hard for it's survival so I panicked because I thought it was some type of" mind rape" as a result of my staying there and left.
I also attended my first meeting while I was staying there at a Catholic church where I picked up a white chip and won a Big Book in a raffle I consider that incident a preview of what was to come. But if it wasn't for that incident I would've never known about A.A. being there.
Many years later after much more drunken escapades and reaching a wall with that I finally turned to A.A. to put a stop to things as for the rest well I'm still the anonymous person that been posting my experience with A.A. and my end result with the steps and what subsequently happened after that.
Now all I find I can do is question and criticize A.A.'s thought/belief system because you're right there is no "I" in God just like there was no awareness that "I" was an "alcoholic" or even my given "Christian name" one of the reasons I post "anonymously" here
Moreover after looking over your posts on your site here well they resonate with me more than anything in A.A.. I can't go back because they'd ask for a sacrifice by saying I "need to drink more" or some such gesture or action which I will not do.
After much research on A.A. reading your posts and sorting things out I think being "ousted" like I was, was the best thing that could happen. All events lead right where you need to be. I just don't what to criticize the anymore and send only love and close that chapter. Story over.
Thank you.
AA saved my butt and changed my life. But having said that I am aware of the things you are talking about. It goes on all the time. We alcoholics are very ill by the time we reach AA but we can't see it. So you have a group of people getting together to meet a common goal and it's in pretty close quarters. People are touchy and opinionated who are trying to recover. Alcoholism is a very serious mental illness. Almost no one recovers, maybe one in a thousand actually makes it. AA is what is in the AA literature not what people say at meetings. If they could follow what AA is saying they would have no need to be there. None of us can in the beginning. You can't be kicked out of AA, it doesn't work that way. There is no preferred way to come to AA. Any way you get there is the best way. What people are saying to you has no bearing on what AA is about. Unfortunately when we come to AA we are often our own worst enemy. We need to keep our focus on ourselves, our behavior, the things we say to others, that kind of thing. AA is an extremely difficult program, but alcoholism is a very difficult illness.
As the result of my experience with the steps I started thinking about Jesus in a different way I also wondered if what happened to me was the way Jesus felt and Buddha as well because "Heaven" seems to be awfully synonymous with "nirvana"
Another thing that happened was that I was given free will which isn't necessarily a good thing to have in A.A. "You can't say 'no' " the first time i utilized free will I was asked to "do the chips" and quite frankly they had become a meaningless piece of plastic to me.
So I politely said "no" when asked and the woman asking said the "programed" response "You can't say 'no " to which I replied firmly but gently "Yes I can, no!" I had no freedom when I was chasing after a substance to placate my dis-ease and my ego. The Buddhists are right the ego is sensation oriented and it's a living entity.
When "they" say that "we go to meetings to get our 'medicine' it's really just placating their ego which is the real problem. "The drinking was a symptom and the bottle a symbol" ~ The Big Book. Some also flee into guilt big time. My final judgement and experience said "Acquitted"
I knew a man in A.A. whom "Ill identify as Gorge A. He was an ex-pharmacist that had an n.d.e. as a r4esult of a drunk driving incident. He never went into detail about that, but he shared against the grain at meetings a lot. The fellowship saw him as kind of a threat too because of that and George also identified himself as a recovered alcoholic as opposed to "recovering"
He also came into A.A. after his experience and went straight into his 4th step and his amends which is really frowned upon too. He used to like to say "What if Alcoholics Anonymous closed it's doors and there was no meeting to go to?"
I didn't put a judgement on it at first but I get what he was saying now. I often wonder where he's at today. I also sat next to him after my experience with the steps and people started to shake their head and frown that I was and backing up what he was sharing.
I found out that the reason the fellowship is so "difficult" is because a great majority of them have an inured and frozen thought system instead of a liberated one which is really at the crux of their "difficulty" and the more I pore over Liz's posts the more I say "Ah-ha" because they point to a great deal of things I resonate to which has really nothing to to with A.A. and everything to do with Real Recovery instead of an inured, frozen thought system.
By it's very nature The Course would be considered a source of "controversy" in A.A. as well it should be because it's very threatening to any belief/thought system and the way things are going the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous are going to have to deal with the human race's growing spirituality and change their thought system and accept whatever "consequences" that come with that.
Meantime, you have a chance to change some things there, if you dare. I hope can and do because now we know that this isn't the Jesus the fellowship "boo and hiss" about but someone and something totally different.
I won't go into to much detail, but the idea I just mentioned goes hand in hand with the idea that no one can stop drinking without AA. People do, many do. In fact the success rate of people quitting drinking in the rooms is about even with people who have no treatment at all. Actually the most effective treatment is a short intervention by family and friends.
Really I love AA, I mean I like the people there. I'm sort of resentful that I can't go without buying the lies. Revise that book.
You say that when you hear someone talk in meeting speak it's like your brain is ripping apart. I guess that means you don't like what they are saying.
The next sentence you say they don't like what you're saying,(ie. divergent thinking).
So let me see if I've got this right. You don't like what 'they' are saying; They don't like what you're saying; Then you say you love AA but your resentful at AA and they need to revise that book.
Then you go into how "they" are saying "that no one can stop drinking without AA."
Then "I love AA."
Then your 'resentful that you can't go without buying the lies', which I have no idea what that means. Your resentful at yourself?
I wish I had a dime for every time I've heard an alcoholic say the same things always thinking it's original, that they are the first ones to have these thoughts. I'd be rich!!
"Pick a fight."
I'm simply stating what I've discovered on my journey through all this. But hey, thank you again for giving credence to what I've come to know.
I AM responsible for how I see things.
Love And Light on your journey.
Doing for me what I could not do for myself
The Holy Spirit
The Link to God
Jesus The Christ the one "the fellowship" is so frightened of.
I accept The Atonement for myself, rather the ego's belief system of sickness
Love will not "need a drink on It's death bed" which only the guilty can want or need because It transcends all.
The ego never wants you to Know because it fears you will leave it behind and fears it's death
There is no "death".
You were never born, so you will never die, It’s only your illusions that destroy you. Behind the noises is a silence, blazing like a billion stars to keep away the darkness. If you, have come to know this, you; have already died.
If guilt is hell then what is it's opposite?
Sincerely: Adrian.
The point is dear will that AA and NA members do not want to know they're in an extension of the prison planet concept/idea because their "gratitude"has turned into a sly case of Stockholm Syndrome. If 12 step people REALLY knew that it was total illusion from the chips, the "group of drunks" to the signs on the wall and a Real Awakening/Experience occurred as described in The Course, the need for meetings would be abolished. I suppose you've never heard of Dr. Hew Lin that cleared out a whole asylum for the criminally insane by looking over their records with minimal contact with the inmates using a technique called Ho’oponopono. If someone applied the same thing to peoples 4th steps in 12 step fellowships 12 step groups as we know them would be abolished, and there is most certainly valid proof of this in ACIM
No my dear will people will most assuredly be seeking for The Truth in The Course and the "truth" in 12 step groups, and they will find that right here on this thread, all they have to do is "Google" because the Fact Is that The Course is a direct threat to the 12 step egoic mindset because it's all about Freedom rather than a sly ego trick of imprisonment.
Get over it!
From The Song Of Prayer