Ask: How can I use my awareness of Truth to sing freely and effortlessly?
I am studying to be an
operatic singer, and I am under the impression that when I become aware of
Truth, my singing will spontaneously feel free and effortless, and my stage
fright will disappear. Learning to sing involves a keen awareness of the
body, and it is to this that my voice teacher directs me. Hence I have
been completely preoccupied with doing things correctly. I can see how I
have created a punishing god out of my body, and an 'absolute morality' out of
singing freely. As a result, I fear and avoid singing and performing.
What do I need to understand in order to release these fears? Is
there some guarantee that my larynx will drop and open fully and permanently
when I accept a certain Truth? I have enjoyed several thrilling glimpses
of singing on an open throat, but how do I get it to be permanent? – O.T.
What you
need to understand is there is no relationship between Truth (God) and your
singing or anything else in the world. Truth is unaware of anything in the
world. But your awareness of Truth does
have an effect on the self’s attitudes, behavior, choices, and energy. When you
are aware of Truth you find yourself led to the means to heal the self’s false
beliefs and the dysfunctions that are false belief’s effects. However, this
healing is only a manifestation of a healed mind. They are incidental effects and
never the point if you want peace.
If you want to be aware of Truth
because It is the Truth you will find peace no matter what occurs in the world.
But if you want to be aware of Truth to serve a goal of the self (as in,
singing freely and effortlessly) you will keep yourself in guilt and fear. You
will be teaching yourself that the self is real and that it is you. You will
believe that certain outcomes must occur for the self for you to be at peace.
Peace can be your goal while you
still have goals in the world, but you will have to shift how you see your
worldly goals. You will want to see them as means to your ultimate goal of
peace rather than as ends in themselves. You cannot be attached to them, define
yourself by them, or think of them as your salvation (the source of your
wholeness, peace, love, etc.) or they will be obstacles to peace. You will want
to recognize these goals are only temporary classrooms where you learn of peace
from the Holy Spirit.
So you have to decide on your
ultimate goal. And you will do that based on what you think will bring you
peace. Only an awareness of Truth brings lasting peace. But if you think that
singing with an open throat is what will bring you peace you are going to put a
lot of pressure on yourself to find a way to do so. And this pressure will make
it harder for you to do so. And, of course, you will not find lasting peace
whether you sing with an open throat or not.
Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at
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