Ask: Is there anything else that you think I could be doing?

“The more I read RG (Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace) the more it resonates with me. Since I'm retired and no longer have the imposed structure of a job and also divorced and no longer have the daily stress of my former marriage I can easily focus on what's going on with me. I can follow my feelings and what shows up is a free-floating, non-specific fear which according to the Course is guilt. There is no denying it or attributing it to anything outside of me. While I'm not happy about it I do believe this is what's true for me and an authentic way to see myself and live my life right now.
So I study the Course by reading. I meditate to invite the ToT (Teacher of Truth) into my awareness which so far has gotten little response. I started the lessons and gave up after 5 out of boredom. I refer to the 7 Rules for Decision Making from to time to time. I reach out to friends including my ex who loves your books. I distract myself by reading history, watching a ton of movies and drink my daily "medicinal" beer. That's me.
Is there anything else you think I could be doing?...I do think an honest account of how one student lives his daily life along with your response might be helpful to others who might be getting frustrated.” – ES

            The daily practice I recommend is in my book 4 Habits for Inner Peace. All you need to experience peace is to be aware of Truth. So just do what you want to do each day without judging it and bring your mind back to Truth when you remember to do so. If you find that you cannot do this then you need to look with the Teacher of Truth (Holy Spirit) in your mind at the guilt and fear that are your obstacles to peace.

Recognizing the guilt in your mind is the beginning of undoing it. The next step is to become aware of the unconscious and conscious beliefs that cause your feelings of guilt so that you can undo them with the Teacher of Truth in your mind.

Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace, and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at
If you have a question the answer to which you think will help others send it to and indicate that you want it answered in the ACIM Mentor Newsletter/Blog.


Christine said…
I find this interesting! Most of us do think that we have to be "doing, doing, doing" something all the time. We are looking for 'meaning' in everything we 'do'. The split mind (which we are experiencing) is a state of not-Truth and wants our experience as a personal self to be validated in the highs and lows of life...most of us do go on with our ordinary lives: watching movies or drinking beer, etc. I have gleaned from studying the Course to just look at what gets one's hackles up - that is, what disturbs us from time to time, and then after that it isn't necessarily what you 'do' but what you think, and with whom you think it (Holy Spirit/Jesus)...I recall that we were never supposed to be expected to do the Course textbook lessons "perfectly" or to meditate and walk a foot off the ground, etc....just to have that little willingness, and to turn inward throughout our (boring!!) day to the Internal teacher. That's pretty much what we should 'do' for now, I have learned. And when you do drink a beer, drink it with Jesus, though I think he preferred wine.
Bat said…

Your comment is wonderful and the part about Jesus liking wine instead is hilarious!

I also want to add to the discussion that getting "bored" is part of the ego's resistance to the course, so sometimes it's not a bad idea to look at that itself with the Teacher of Truth. I think we can be too tolerant of boredom, like it's not a big deal, but it is just as concerning as anger, sadness, etc. in my opinion.
Christine said…
Thanks, Bat. I think I should correct the past tense, "preferred" with the present tense, "prefers", though, since Jesus is eternal (for now)!!
Aleta said…
Oh YES, I can relate to the bordeom when doing the lessons! And the ego's persistent little voice telling me that having to remember to focus on something every hour, etc., is just too restrictive, too time-consuming! I love both your comments, Christine & Bat, and thank you Liz for your answer to the question posed.
will said…

Medicinal use of alcohol creates relatively permanent free floating anxiety. As a person drinks more to deal with it the level of anxiety increases and around and around you go. Stopping drinking doesn't relieve it, it only makes it worse. Just saying...
jacomina said…
Hi Liz and All. How do I first recognize the guilt in me? thank you as always Jacomina
ACIM Mentor said…
Jacomina, this is from my book "Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace" (you can find it on Amazon or at

"Some ways that a belief in guilt shows up are fear of a god, expectation of punishment, generalized unworthiness, generalized inadequacy, self-loathing, judging yourself, judging others, thinking that others are judging you, taking others’ attitudes and behaviors personally, confusing responsibility with blame, defensiveness, secretiveness, dishonesty, generalized anxiety, generalized fear, generalized anger, martyrdom, perfectionism, being hard on yourself, self-medicating with a substance or behavior, an inability to be alone, an inability to tolerate quiet, an inability to meditate, an inability to be present, busy-ness, nightmares, worry and anxiety about the future, worry and anxiety about loved ones, thoughts and images of you or loved ones or strangers being tortured, the need to be right, the need to win, over-achieving, the need to fix others, the need to fix the world, sacrificing, co-dependency, fear of success, fear of good outcomes for you, masochism, self-destructive behavior, self-sabotage, interpreting neutral events (natural disaster, disease, etc.) as punishment or proof of guilt, interpreting others’ behavior as punishment or proof of your guilt, and spiritualizing the self. Examples of many of these responses are given throughout this book."
jacomina said…
Shocking. really. So we live lives immersed in guilt. I know I do. I'm very grateful for this pointer. What then are the conscious and unconscious beliefs under the guilt? I thought it came down to one belief. Separation. Telling myself to let it go is not at all effective. What more can I do? (aside from the 4 habits that I try to remember to practise).
Pain and grief overwhelm me. I've even quit studying the course years ago. And yet here I am. Thanks so much. Jacomina
will said…
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will said…
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ACIM Mentor said…
Jacomina, if you're really ready to look at and undo guilt I recommend my book "Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace". It will take you through the process of recognizing and undoing the guilt. It is full of everyday examples. It's only $5 in PDF or for e-books at Or you can get it for Kindle at
jacomina said…
Ya I'm ready. I'll get the book. Thank you. Once again I feel grateful to the pain for having led me here. And ready for the book. What else is there TO do? Many thanks Liz. Talk soon. Jacomina
Anonymous said…
i came from a traditional background that taught about God in judgment of what we do here and a devil that might tempt me to do the wrong thing. Shortly after finding ACIM, i associated the devil with the ego. Both are illusions in my mind and are as vicious as my imagination. By practicing to sit with the lessons, as boring as they seemed, i learned that boredom is one of the ego/devil's most sneaky tricks. What's so boring about communing with our Creator? Perhaps it's just our old belief in our unworthiness to meet in quiet today in the chair over there. Have the conversation you imagine you'll have one day when God asks you about yesterday (or whatever are the most persistent experiences in your mind). Take a notebook if you want, and get to know your Self. What has not been forgiven by God? What has not been forgiven by me? (Take a beer if want, but i believe Jesus preferred neither. It was his mother who favored wine.) Much love from the Center xo Ana

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