What Do I Want This Mind to Be About?

“He must learn to lay all judgment aside, and ask only what he really wants in every circumstance.” (M-4.I.A.7)

The above quote is from the Development of Trust in the Manual for Teachers of A Course in Miracles where it lays out the stages through which a student will go. This refers to the fifth stage, the “period of unsettling”. But I’ve always found that sentence to be vague. In my translation of ACIM into plain, everyday language I translated it as:

“Now, to attain Complete Peace, you must learn to lay aside the personal mind and forgive in every circumstance.” (M-4.I.A.5)

This was to make clear that “what he really wants” means peace; that laying judgment aside means laying the personal thought system aside because it is always evaluative (judgmental); and exactly how this is done (forgiveness).

Peace is always here. So “asking for Peace” really means being willing to let go of that which is not Peace. When not-Peace is released (forgiven) Peace remains.

In practice, when my mind is churning on upsetting thoughts, I ask myself “What do I want this mind to be about?” This reminds me that I am not the victim of my thoughts. I am in charge of this mind. And it reminds me that I have a choice. There are only two thought systems from which to choose: The personal thought system (ego) or the Awareness of Truth (Holy Spirit). The personal thought system churns. If I am willing, the Awareness of Truth will offer me another way to look at the situation on which my thoughts churn which will quiet my mind. Those are my choices.

Want support on the path to peace? read "You Don't Have to Go It Alone".
Learn about one-on-one mentoring, how to send a donation for this blog, and about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace, and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at www.acimmentor.com.


ES said…
What a perfect choice of topics to follow those last 2 grueling blogs! When I ask myself what is the lesson for me from the election and all the discussion, both before and after it, the answer that originally came to mind was a better understanding of the nature of opinions. They are as varied as the people that have them and in almost all cases come from the ego. After listening to thousands of them - from experts to idiots, pundits, talking heads, friends, the "man in the street", reading your blog and the comments they generated - their was no resolution, no peace with the election results. Being so caught up in those opinions how could there be, when most of these opinions have the substance of a snowflake. My aching brain, ringing ears and tight gut all demand something better and ask,
"What does this mind really want?"
And so, the invitation is there, the welcome mat put out. Something better is bound to
show up.
Deb Baczewski said…
Thank you Liz and ES. I just heard this quote and will be my new go to quote . . .

"Don't say to God I have a big problem, say to the problem I have a Great God."
Anonymous said…
Lesson 185.
Unknown said…
I think you're 'right on the the spot' here...!
That is very essential...
Love and blessings to everyONE !
Anonymous said…
once more, a clarifying offering to help in loosening personal identification and strengthening connection with the Inner Teacher. and timely. thank you. n
will said…
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will said…
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will said…
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ES said…
I'd like to follow up a bit on my comments above re. making a commitment to invite Spirit into our our lives to guide us. Regardless of the sincerity of our intention, expect what Liz has referred to as an "ego backlash". For example, within minutes of writing my comment I experienced thoughts like, "That's just great, stick your head in the sand while a psychopath sits in the White House!" I was dismayed but not distraught, having been prepared by Liz in the past for this eventuality. We ride the tiger and keep turning to Truth.
will said…
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will said…
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Unknown said…

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