Letting Truth Lead the Way

There are two approaches one can take to a spiritual teaching. In one the teaching is an end in itself. The goal of the student is to master the teaching. The emphasis of study for them is to find the “right way” to understand the material. Therefore, they often engage in arguments with other students over the correct way to interpret the material. They are often unhappy with teachers they feel are not “right” in their interpretation.

In the other approach, the Awareness of Truth (Holy Spirit) is the Goal. And the teaching is seen as an instrument that the Awareness of Truth in the student’s mind uses to help them reach that Goal. So the student does not seek the “right way” to read the material, but rather asks the Awareness of Truth in their mind for the most helpful way to understand it. The student emphasizes their experiences of Truth over the material they study, which they recognize are just symbols on a page. They have no reason to argue with others over the correct interpretation because their goal is not “to be right”. If another is helped by another interpretation, even if they cannot understand how, they know that is between the student and the Awareness of Truth in their mind.

The latter is the path that this mind has taken. Often when it got bogged down by the way that it read A Course in Miracles it would step back and say, “But what have my experiences of Truth shown me?” It would consider what it learned from higher miracles and direct Revelation. For this mind, its own experiences were always more important than what it heard from others or how it read a book. That’s not to say it didn’t experience conflict. It believed in guilt and it read ACIM through guilt for a long time. It didn’t trust its experiences. But, eventually, it did trust them, and this is how it overcame the belief in guilt. (There’s a reason ACIM calls the path “the development of trust”!).

I often say that this path has not unfolded the way this mind expected. How could it, with all of its guilty misreading and  misunderstanding? Steeped in self-identification, it could have no way of properly understanding how that would be dismantled—something it is finally now experiencing with the belief in guilt gone. What is left for a mind to do when the belief in guilt is gone and the self-concept has fallen away is to watch itself unlearn the habits of guilt and self-identification.

This mind still has expectations. They’re automatic. But it has learned to recognize them and to stay open. “This is what I expect, but what the heck do I know?” There have been so many surprises as this mind follows Truth it would be arrogant for it to think it has any idea what is going to happen next.

If you are interested in learning how to let Truth lead the way, email me at Liz@acimmentor.com to set up an appointment. Learn more at www.acimmentor.com.

If you have a question the answer to which you think will help others email it to me at Liz@acimmentor.com and indicate that you want it answered in the newsletter/blog.


will said…
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Unknown said…

Morning Wil. Everything you wrote is beautiful. It's beautiful but it might be bondage. I dont disagree but I let it go too.
My understanding of Tolle is his transformation was instantaneous and required nothing but later chose to research self realization in order to point the way for others. His efforting was in acquiring information he did not have previously so as to be able to understand what happened. It was not for himself other than to satisfy his curiosity. He remained in Truth throughout. Anyways, even "his" story could be dropped so we can have our own unique experience. Sincerity is all that is required and you certainly have that.
will said…
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will said…
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will said…
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Unknown said…

Hi Wil. I guess because the mind is giving you a conceptualized story and it's so far from Truth it must then be bondage. If your mind is projecting the story that it takes this, that, or the other to realize Truth then can you see how binding that is? What is True is True right now. If we expect to experience Truth the way liz and tolle did then we are not able to relax into the Truth which is here now and always is here now as soon as we let go of the mind that believes we must struggle and go it alone and that everyone else is ahead. Liz could comment much better than me here. I only know from experience how wonderful and peaceful it is to not go with any mind concept of what transformation/evolution/realization/transcendence looks like for any individual.
Unknown said…

Keep in mind, Tolle was in Truth and never lost or swayed from Truth during his years of bliss and freedom on park benches and unemployed. Coming back into the world or even shutting himself off from the world never disturbs his peace. Money, poverty, fame, obscurity, health or sickness do not change his realization of Truth. He can roll with the world...or not. He is in Truth and can enjoy the fluctuations of life. Even the times of deprivation. He even loves those who have allowed the ego to make personal gain out of their "spiritualness". Cool hey? Very cool because it is exactly what Truth would do. However, I am open to Liz's comments here and have tremendous respect for her wisdom and compassion to teach.

ACIM Mentor said…
Jacomina, you just said what I wrote in the article in a different way. When I write about my experience it is to share what is possible. It is not to make others feel they are behind, or I am ahead, or that their way should be like mine. What I meant to convey was not that my way will be anyone else's way. What I was saying was *let Truth lead the way*. And the difference between my experience and Tolle's experience is a great example of how each path unfolds in a unique and idiosyncratic way when you do.
Unknown said…

Yes, yes, YES Liz. I had to reread the original post because I got so caught up in the commenting that I lost the pointer.

"The student emphasizes their experiences of Truth over the material they study, which they recognize are just symbols on a page"

It's an absolutely beautiful post BECAUSE it's so freeing. and I love the "What the heck do I know" moment there.
So appreciative,
will said…
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Unknown said…

Ya, Wil. That's cool. I always ask for more and more. (Whatever that may mean)
will said…
You see J. This blog is a perfect example of finding the right way to understand the material; weekly disagreements over the correct way to interpret the material or anything else (Tolle). I come back an hour after I have had my binge and read what I wrote and say Oh for Gods sake and delete it.
Hey Jacomina, Thank you for writing what you did. Much love.
Unknown said…
Dear Wil and Cairn. Thank you both for letting the love flow.
will said…
I saw myself talking to ego so I came back and deleted my stuff. Sorry.
Unknown said…

ya but maybe that's ok. deleted or not deleted is untruth so maybe it's ok and instantly we're back to truth.
nicci said…
thank you Liz. the distinction you make in this blog validates my experience as a student of ACIM. i am drawn to those teachers who have messages that help me deepen my relationship with the HS, which is what my path is nearly entirely about. i study, meditate, practice, and seek help for interpretation only to facilitate that. which is why your blog and books are where i most often turn for "outside" help. your words were reassuring.

may everyone who visits here have peace in the coming days. endless L, n
will said…
We all have it figured out spiritually at least I do. Then my doctor calls me at 4pm and is freaking out because the urine sample I gave her yesterday had a reading of my blood sugar at 400. Which explains the gallons of water I'm drinking, the fatigue that keeps me in bed a good part of the day and the irritability and confusion I have had for the past two months. Diabetes. After my flurry here the past two days I can't be in denial anymore.
will said…
Thanks J. I have been fighting off a diagnosis of diabetes for some time. My sister wouldn't come to terms with it until she went into a diabetic coma and lie on her kitchen floor for days dead until someone finally looked through a window and saw her feet. I live an isolated life just like her. I was hard on her for not taking care of herself. Self righteously feeling I had that right because I maintained sobriety. I knew full well what I was up to but bad blood between us gave me a sense of justification. Between our comments and this sudden call from my doctor it broke the back of my denial. Diabetes has some nasty mood side effects. I went and got meds for diabetes just a little while ago. A new chapter on my life.
Hannah Hatfield said…
hello all xx

i just wanted to wish you all happy holidays, and send you my love.

will said…
This post should be a turning point for many who come here. You are being told your path is your own. Liz's path is not your path. Her understanding of the Course is hers not yours. The meanings are hers not yours. You are not here at this blog to find your understanding of the Course or your path. Liz is writing about what she believes through her experience and understanding not yours. If your belief includes reincarnation or life after death than that is your experience and belief so embrace it. If you believe that the Holy Spirit intervenes in this life and that is your experience through the Holy Spirit and it is as true and valid as any other persons understanding or belief. If you believe the Course embraces you seeing your loved ones when you die and you know the Holy Spirit leads you to this belief then embrace it. Liz is telling you to follow your own understanding not hers. You are free to go where the Holy Spirit takes you. Read the blog.
will said…
In the spirit of this weeks blog I want to talk about my experience with ACIM Mentor. Starting a few years ago I saw the description of ACIM going on a path I could not follow. I was very conflicted by this. I was being pulled in different directions. To follow the path of the mentor meant taking on beliefs that I knew were not true. My life had experiences with the Holy Spirit that had literally saved my life a number of times. I see the Holy Spirit active in my life in ways the mentor's course would never accept. As much as our mentor said she would never force her understanding of the course on anyone boundaries on what the course was saying were becoming more rigid. To her credit it was made clear she was not here to make people feel better. People clearly conflicted about the death of a loved one would not find solice here. They would also not hear that the mentor was only expressing her own experience.

This week ACIM Mentor has said to follow your own path. She has said this before. But this time I think it is much clearer. Just my opinion as always, but I hope ACIM Mentor will not find it necessary to defend herself.
will said…
To correct, "I saw ACIM Mentor going on a path I could not follow".
will said…
I think the course that is taught here is a reflection of a life that never touched religion. And that is fine. But IMHO it has no part of the author in it.
will said…
No part of the Author in it

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