Ask: Do we receive abstract answers to linear problems from the Holy Spirit?

I have been staying Present a lot more, but recently saw myself bringing a problem in the illusion to the Truth to resolve rather than the Truth to illusion.

Do the answers we receive from HS come in the world abstract for a linear problem? Is that how we can recognize it? Or how can we recognize HS’s answer for an action we need solved?” – MR

In fact, you want to bring illusions to Truth rather than Truth to the illusion! To bring illusions to Truth is to correct the illusion. To attempt to bring Truth to the illusion is an attempt to “spiritualize” illusion—to make illusion Truth-like.

“You have been told to ask the Holy Spirit for the answer to any specific problem, and that you will receive a specific answer if such is your need. You have also been told that there is only one problem and one answer. In prayer this is not contradictory. There are decisions to make here, and they must be made whether they be illusions or not. You cannot be asked to accept answers which are beyond the level of need that you can recognize. Therefore, it is not the form of the question that matters, nor how it is asked. The form of the answer, if given by God, will suit your need as you see it. This is merely an echo of the reply of His Voice. The real sound is always a song of thanksgiving and of Love.” (S-1.I.2)

While the Holy Spirit (the Awareness of Truth in your mind) is Abstract, Its answers take a form that have meaning for you where you are. That’s why all you need to do is touch the Holy Spirit and the answer will come. There’s a metaphor for this in the Bible, where all one needed to do was touch Jesus’s robe and be healed.

You can recognize an answer from the Holy Spirit by how you feel. You will feel guilt and fear lift. You will experience clarity. When the answer is from the ego (personal thought system in your mind), guilt and fear continue or grow.

If you want to benefit from my experience and lighten your process, email me at to set up an appointment for mentoring. Learn more at

New Book! The ACIM Mentor Articles Volume 2

The first volume was a collection of the articles in this newsletter/blog from 2006 thru early 2010. This second volume is a collection of articles from late 2010 thru 2014 and answers direct questions from readers. Now available in paperback and on Kindle at


nicci said…

when you provide Biblical metaphors it connects my childhood relationship with Jesus (church - Sunday school experience) with the lessons He provides in ACIM. a deepening occurs. thank you so much.

endless L, n
will said…
MR, Liz has been talking about the atonement recently. She has been reminding us we are watching something (our life) that already happened billions of years ago if we are thinking of a time line.

I suppose you could look at it as we just show up as this person that was a thought a long time ago. We don't have much say in who we are. Some people show up with a much higher spiritual IQ than others. Spiritual things seem to happen to them at an accelerated pace than for the rest of us.

It was a good ten years before I had the beginnings of "hearing" or sensing what the Holy Spirit was telling me. I have never heard words. I'm telling you this so you have patience with yourself and with the process.
Anonymous said…
where can I find the quote S.1.I.2.. thank you...I believe there are solutions that while they bring peace to the mind, however, they go against most societal values or cultural mores. And, there will be consequences to pay in the illusion.. an example of this is homosexuality. According to our general societal values or mores homosexuality is wrong and in fact it is harshly judged as wrong by many. According to the king James bible homosexuality is a sin.. I don't believe homosexuality is a sin or wrong, but the general public does.. only recently this type of relationship has been given a somewhat of an "OK" by our society.. but if truth be told most heterosexual parents would prefer that their children would not choose same sex relationships. could you further elaborate on the quote and solutions that bring peace to the mind even when they run against the "norms" of the illusion... thank you and where would I find the quote.. thank you
hannah said…
anonymous.. the quote is in the 'song of prayer' supplement, the second paragraph under 'true prayer', which is right after the introduction. heres a link in case you dont have the song of prayer :)
will said…
I love Irony. It just cracks me up.
ACIM Mentor said…
Anonymous, if the answer brings peace to your mind it will not matter one iota if it goes against the "norms" of society. Those are so arbitrary and inconsistent there's no way to keep up with them anyway!

Hannah, thank you for providing the link...
will said…
In reading chapters 22 & 23 in the Manual for Teachers this morning I was thinking of Anonymous comment and Liz's reply. These two chapters focus on healing and on the mind of Jesus. In chapter 23 he describes his state of mind in life. I will use Advanced Teacher of God to refer to that. It is this (His) mind that he would lead us. Jesus has dropped our human perception and its issues. Our prejudices and problems. The bible often leads us to a better way of life.

"When a teacher of God fails to heal, it is because he has forgotten Who he is. Another's sickness thus becomes his own. In allowing this to happen, he has identified with another's ego, and has thus confused him with a body. In so doing he has refused to accept the Atonement for himself and can hardly offer it to his brother in Christ's name." (chapter 22, MFT)

It reminded me I have to keep the end game is sight. Something that is difficult for me to do. The call of politics, TV, entertainment is a fog I get lost in. It feels good, what can I say...
will said…
I guess it struck me that in the context of what Jesus is saying, things such as homosexuality (or whatever) are meaningless. Grabbing hold of these perceptions just serves to set us back. I can't stop this thinking but Jesus seems to be saying 'don't forget the goal or you will get lost'.
will said…
In the Manual Jesus doesn't cut us much slack.
will said…
The Course is just full of what I call Catch 22's. For instance, we may pray or ask the Holy Spirit for help with some problem which he will give us in a way we can understand. But the Catch 22 is, we are also asking for more of the same, more of the dream. He cautions us to ask for help at the source where these things come from, the mind.
ACIM Mentor said…
Will, it's not really a catch-22. By allowing the HS to meet you where you are, you learn to trust It. Therefore you've transformed the "dream" into a means to grow your awareness of Truth.

You really don't have to worry about dreaming or not dreaming. Really, it does not matter one iota.
will said…
Liz, When I wrote that I was thinking of

"The prayer for things of this world will bring experiences of this world. If the prayer of the heart asks for this, this will be given because this will be received. It is impossible that the prayer of the heart remain unanswered in the perception of the one who asks. If he asks for the impossible, if he wants what does not exist or seeks for illusions in his heart, all this becomes his own. The power of his decision offers it to him as he requests. Herein lie hell and Heaven." Chapter 21, Manual of Teachers.

That stuck in my mind. Unfortunately I forgot the rest of the paragraph. That's what you're here for:-)
will said…
Liz, The more I concentrate on reading the course, slowing down to get deeper into what is being said, the more I need the Holy Spirit to translate.I can do this fairly often but not all the time. I have to feel the Holy Spirit giving me a feeling that pulls me towards reading. It is very clear(?). Can't think of a word.
will said…
Should have said "This happens fairly often" since I'm not doing it.
ACIM Mentor said…
Will, is it a feeling of liberation? From guilt, fear, darkness, etc.? And, yes, clarity as well.
hannah said…
liz.. youre welcome :)

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