The Journey and the Destination
The other
day I realized I have heard the saying “it’s not the destination; it’s the
journey” only one way. I heard it as the saying of ditherers: People who didn’t
want to get there, but just play at it. For example, they wanted to remain
spiritual seekers and never experience Perfect Peace (the absence of all
But the
other day I heard it in a different way: If you focus on the journey you will
reach your destination. The inverse of this is if you focus too much on your
destination you miss the steps along the way that will get you there. For
example, if you constantly measure your peace (“Am I There yet?”) you’ll miss
the opportunity to learn the lesson or remove the obstacle to experience Peace
that is in front of you.
It’s okay
to take a measurement of progress now and then. It can be helpful to see if
what you’re doing is effective so you can make changes if necessary. But the
best way to do this is to look behind, not ahead. Compare how you feel now to,
say, a year ago. Have you grown in your awareness of Truth, the source of Peace?
What has helped? What has not? Do you need to make changes or stay the course?
If you compare where you are now to
your destination, you will always find yourself falling short. Otherwise, your
journey would be over! You reach your destination not by comparing your
progress to it, but by taking steps toward it. If you were a medical student,
you wouldn’t become a doctor by comparing yourself to a doctor. You would
become a doctor by applying yourself to your current classes. It’s no different
when your destination is Perfect Peace. What lesson or obstacle is in front of
you? What can you do right now that brings Truth and Peace to your awareness?
When I was asked years ago what I
did to stay at peace I realized I practiced four habits to keep Truth in my
awareness. I eventually wrote about them in my book, 4 Habits for Inner Peace. The nice thing about a spiritual journey is
the journey (means) and the Destination (End) are the same. Truth is Peace, so
when you invite It into your awareness you invite Peace. This is what A Course in Miracles calls a “Holy
Instant”. In a Holy Instant you experience the Destination (Timelessness), each
time shortening the journey (time). If Perfect Peace is your destination, your
journey is growing your awareness of Truth. Focus on that and you find Peace
now and, in time, Perfect Peace.
What lessons
or obstacles are in front of you right now? Do you need support growing your
awareness of Truth? Email me at to set up an appointment for mentoring. Learn more at
And glad you enjoy the book.
'patience is natural to those who trust'.
somewhere in the manual!