If It's a Sacrifice, Stop!

Students ask me what is the point to life and the world if you no longer seek in the world for happiness, fulfillment and peace. They envision emptiness because they have not yet experienced Wholeness. When you accept the experience of happiness, fulfillment and peace within yourself then the world becomes a place in which giving becomes natural. And that becomes the point of your life and the world.

This is not the kind of giving that the world is used to. This is not the kind of giving where you lose what you give. Love and peace are ideas and ideas are strengthened in your awareness as you give them to others. In this way, giving and receiving are the same. Because there is no sense of loss there is no sense of sacrifice.

True giving does not come from a desire to be “good” or to be praised by others. That’s “giving to get”. And any sense of sacrifice results in resentment in the giver. If you are coming from either of these places when you give your time, attention and energy to others, STOP. You are teaching yourself wrongly. You are teaching yourself that you lack.

Giving should come naturally, without thought. Before you can truly give to others, you first must become aware of your own Wholeness and Abundance. This should be the focus of your time, attention and energy. By communing with God and seeing the Light of God in others you become aware that all that you seek you already have. From this awareness you will give without thought because it is natural, not because it is “good”. And you will understand that this is what the world is for.



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