The Bliss of Letting Go

The other day I was reading a passage in the Course about living in the present and recalled how for many years it was hard for me to read many of the ideas in the Course. I thought it was impossible to accept them and to live by them. It seemed hard, hard, hard. Now my life gets easier and simpler every day. My “work” is communing with God. I have no problems because I always have the Solution with me. I have a Guide Who leads me through the day. I don’t have to worry about anything because I make no decisions by myself. So what changed?

Over the years I let go of more and more. I let go of values I thought were important; the need to have things my way; the need to be right; “laws” that were supposed to rule the way the world works; people and money and my business and my “life”. I opened my mind. I cultivated a relationship with the Holy Spirit, Who is now my constant Companion. I put my relationship to God front and center in my life.

Each time I let go and let the Holy Spirit in, the relief and rightness and wholeness and security of what I experienced far outstripped whatever I thought holding on would bring me. I learned what was hard was not what the Course was teaching; it was resisting it that was hard. What was hard was the need to be in control, to be right, to have various values and interests and to need to be “doing” all the time.

Have you ever held on to something so tightly with your hand that when you let go your fingers were stiff and sore? But you open your hand fully and flex your fingers and the pain is gone. That is what it is like when you let go of the world. At first it seems painful but the more you open up the greater the relief.


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Roeland said…
Thank you, you are absolutely right.
Anonymous said…
I used to have dreams when I was younger where I would find myself in some sort of trouble, but just in that moment between sleep and waking I'd see it was a dream and feel a wave of relief come over me. It's similar to learning that the separation never took place. Without separation there is no guilt. No guilt then no projection, no world and no bodies.
But how do I explain this and any subsequent life changes I feel are necessary for me to my family. To them, letting go does not make sense.
ACIM Mentor said…
Simply explain to them what is motivating you to make the change. If you cannot explain in spiritual terms, then just explain in practical terms why you are making changes. Also, you may just have to accept that your family may not understand.
hannah said…
Paula said…
Liz, I'm in the process of letting go of the body, all concern about it and the actual idea that it it me. The mental resistance to this has brought about extreme physical pain which is showing up as a spinal injury/osteoarthritis. I know the form doesn't matter nor does my resistance to Peace even matter. It all just doesn't mean anything and I am watching the whole thing unfold knowing that this resistance is completely unnecessary because my goal is Peace and so It will be. I'm processing the thoughts about Life without the body and my Function to Rest in God and let the rest go. I realise all of my hissy fits are just a mechanism of stalling the inevitable State of Being.

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