Money and Your Purpose

In the world money is the oil that lubricates the wheel of life. The wheel stutters and strains without enough of it and so the pursuit of enough -- or more than enough -- money to keep the wheel turning smoothly becomes a chief object of life for those for whom the world is real.

Money is one of ego's replacements for the Holy Spirit. All that we think money can bring – peace, security, happiness, empowerment -- can only come from remembering you are Part of God. If money could bring these things then wealthy people would be the most serene people -- and we all know this isn't so! The pursuit of money is the pursuit of an idol.

Having enough money is never the real issue. Certainly you must believe that the Holy Spirit would supply all you need to fulfill your purpose in the world. If you don't trust this it is because you still want the world for something other than fulfilling your purpose here as a teacher of God. The real issue is you want money for your own goals apart from the Holy Spirit.

When you let go of money you find that money is nothing. Like everything else in the world it is an illusion. Its only purpose is to facilitate your awakening and therefore the awakening of everyone. Letting go of money - letting go of your own separate goals – is the way you fulfill your purpose and give yourself the gift of freedom.

Money is not evil. It is nothing. But no one here can live with no illusions for he must yet strive to have the last illusion be accepted by everyone everywhere. He has a mighty part in this one purpose for which he came. He stays here but for this. And while he stays he will be given what he needs to stay. (P-3.III.1)

Now on sale at Understanding a Course in Miracles: A Quick Reference for Students


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