Your Purpose and Your Role

God's teachers appear to be many, for that is what is the world's need. Yet being joined in one purpose, and one they share with God, how could they be separate from each other? What does it matter if they then appear in many forms? Their minds are one; their joining is complete. And God works through them now as one, for that is what they are. (M-12.2)

Everyone has a role to fill in the Great Awakening. The Course is a specific path for those who are to consciously be teachers of God. Our purpose is the same, but what our role looks like is different for each of us. Some students fear they have to become teachers or mentors or write books or go on speaking tours. Not at all. Generally, the Holy Spirit uses what already comes naturally to you or what interests you. Sometimes you may be given special gifts or be guided to develop in certain ways. In any case, you probably already sense what your role is. It might even be unfolding in your life right now. Whatever it is, it is essential.

The peace of God is my one goal; the aim of all my living here, the end I seek, my purpose and my function and my life, while I abide where I am not at home. (W-205.1)

I found it ironic that just as my role as a mentor for students of A Course in Miracles was unfolding for me I began to have a deep feeling I was already fulfilling my purpose whenever I communed with God. It turns out your purpose is not the thing you “do” in the world – it is not the role you seem to be playing. Your purpose, no matter who you are, is to be One with God. You commune with God and the Holy Spirit does the rest, fulfilling your “role” through you effortlessly. And this is how you learn the Holy Spirit is you.


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Anonymous said…
And this is how you learn the Wholly Spirit IS you.
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Liz.
Anonymous said…
Dear Liz,
I understand my purpose and role from your blog so I offer you my thanks. However, whenever I am communing with God and keeping peace in my awareness I get this recurring thought that 'Being at peace all the time is boring' and then I get the feeling I should be doing something special with my life. I haven't been given any special role yet to play in this world and it concerns me that I may never be given one. I'm just wondering what you think about all of this and which way should I be heading or what should I do to clear up these concerns? Or should I just keep pushing on by communing with God and not worry about my role?
ACIM Mentor said…
Anonymous, peace means you are at rest. Boredom means you are restless. Peace means you feel whole. Boredom means you feel incomplete. You cannot be both at peace and bored. So what you describe is vacillating quickly between Truth (peace) and the ego (boredom). You can just observe the boredom from the peace and know that it is just the ego.

As the article points out at the end, if you are fulfilling your purpose (communing)whatever the self is doing is fulfilling its role. Again, it's the ego telling you that it's not enough. Any sense of lack means you are in the ego. It is the signal to turn again to Truth and be whole and complete in It.

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