Maintaining Your Peace Outside Your Home
One of the most common complaints I hear from students of the Course is some version of: “I can maintain my peace when I’m alone but as soon as I walk out into the world I lose it.”
Why does this happen? When you are alone you can deceive yourself that that is all you are – this individual mind, this body/ego. But remember everything you perceive is a part of your mind. The world and others represent the rest of your mind that you deny when you are alone and so you cannot help but see what you really believe you are when you go out into the world. If you lose your peace it is because you really believe in separation from God rather than the Oneness of God. This is an attack on yourself and you project this outward so that it seems like the world is taking your peace away from you. You have split yourself into two illusions – the one that perceives itself as attacked and the person or thing or situation that is attacking you.
There is nothing you could attack that is not part of you. And by attacking it you make two illusions of yourself, in conflict with each other. (T-23.I.8)
When you step out into the world remember Lesson 30 in the Workbook: God is in everything I see because God is in my mind. Does this mean that what you see comes from God? No! It means you realize that the forms that are appearing are neutral and you are replacing their content, or meaning, with God. The lesson means to remind you that God is always with you no matter what is appearing. To the ego, the form matters and is the meaning. But with God, the form is nothing and the Content everything. The content of anything to you is what you want yourself to be.
Nothing around you but is part of you. Look on it lovingly, and see the light of Heaven in it. So will you come to understand all that is given you. In kind forgiveness will the world sparkle and shine, and everything you once thought sinful now will be reinterpreted as part of Heaven. (
Now on sale at Understanding A Course in Miracles: A Quick Reference for Students.
Why does this happen? When you are alone you can deceive yourself that that is all you are – this individual mind, this body/ego. But remember everything you perceive is a part of your mind. The world and others represent the rest of your mind that you deny when you are alone and so you cannot help but see what you really believe you are when you go out into the world. If you lose your peace it is because you really believe in separation from God rather than the Oneness of God. This is an attack on yourself and you project this outward so that it seems like the world is taking your peace away from you. You have split yourself into two illusions – the one that perceives itself as attacked and the person or thing or situation that is attacking you.
There is nothing you could attack that is not part of you. And by attacking it you make two illusions of yourself, in conflict with each other. (T-23.I.8)
When you step out into the world remember Lesson 30 in the Workbook: God is in everything I see because God is in my mind. Does this mean that what you see comes from God? No! It means you realize that the forms that are appearing are neutral and you are replacing their content, or meaning, with God. The lesson means to remind you that God is always with you no matter what is appearing. To the ego, the form matters and is the meaning. But with God, the form is nothing and the Content everything. The content of anything to you is what you want yourself to be.
Nothing around you but is part of you. Look on it lovingly, and see the light of Heaven in it. So will you come to understand all that is given you. In kind forgiveness will the world sparkle and shine, and everything you once thought sinful now will be reinterpreted as part of Heaven. (
Now on sale at Understanding A Course in Miracles: A Quick Reference for Students.
I'm not sure why you don't have boundaries; that is also your choice. Spiritual awakening does not require that you be a doormat. It is perfectly acceptable for you to ask others to treat you with respect or to get out of your life. Boundaries serve both you and them, because you do not do others any favors by teaching them that abusing you is okay.
What you have to ask yourself is, is she truly not treating you with respect, or is that only your own interpretation (projection) on her behavior?
When you forgive, it shows up in one of three ways in the world: Your perception of the situation changes and brings you Peace; the situation itself changes (as in, she stops abusing you); the situation falls away (as in, one of you leaves).
You can be sure that if you feel abused, used, or used up you are not following the Holy Spirit. It's the personal mind that says that you have to stay and be a martyr.