"Special" Abilities

Inventiveness is wasted effort even in its most ingenious form. The highly specific nature of invention is not worthy of the abstract creativity of God's creations. (T-3.V.2)

All abilities should therefore be given over to the Holy Spirit, Who understands how to use them properly. He uses them only for healing, because He knows you only as whole. (T-7.IV.4)

In the world, inventiveness, ingenuity and special talents are seen as gifts from God. The idea that these are from ego is hard for many new students of the Course to accept. Even after they have accepted that God did not make the world, or bodies, or personalities they have a hard time accepting that the genius of da Vinci, or Einstein or Mozart are simply part of the ego’s use of “specialness” to prove separation from God is real.

We all have attributes that we are proud of and that maybe we once thought were God-given. You may experience the awareness that they have no value in themselves as personally insulting. Of course, only ego can feel insulted so you know when you feel insulted you are identifying with ego!

Some abilities we consider extraordinary can be used by the Holy Spirit in our awakening. But which ones and how they are used are not up to you. The Holy Spirit uses what the Holy Spirit needs. And that is all the value any “special” ability can have.

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carrie genevachild said…
My ability to read and write, to type these words can be used by Miriam for awakening.
Anonymous said…
I can play and write music and I'm good enough to have done a few things with it. My fascination with that started when I was very young watching Annette Funicello on The Mickey Mouse Club and then grabbing my mother's transistor radio to find out what else was on.

Ultimately I picked up a guitar when I was 13 because I wanted to learn music and due to a particular band that was unique and changing things at the time I saw it's possibilities of what can be done with i and not because of the "perks" tied to it.

I also wanted to be able to write the sound track to my own life instead of someone else writing it for me. Ultimately, I started listening to the radio less and less because I wanted to hear The Holy Spirit and I began to dislike the abrasive commercials more and more.

And you're right while music is a "part of me" it is not "me" at all, so for me it just has it's uses....mostly it's just for fun.

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