Why Miracles Are Necessary

A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary. It is this experience toward which the course is directed. (C–in.2)

The ego's opposite in every way–in origin, effect and consequence–we call a miracle. (C-2.5)

Some students try to take what they have learned before and apply it to the Course – or rather, try to make the Course fit what they already believe. This limits the transformative power of the Course. Another experience is required to make you understand that what you already experience in the world is not Truth. This is what the miracle is for.

The miracle lifts your mind out of time, space, form. It unites you with all of Creation and with God. Because it involves perception, it too is illusion, but it is illusion that shifts perception toward Oneness. Without the miracle the theology of the Course – in fact, all theology – is meaningless. This is the universal experience that is necessary to undo a perception of separation from God.

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carrie genevachild said…
Liz wrote: "The miracle lifts your mind out of time, space, form. It unites you with all of Creation and with God. Because it involves perception, it too is illusion, but it is illusion that shifts perception toward Oneness. Without the miracle the theology of the Course – in fact, all theology – is meaningless. This is the universal experience that is necessary to undo a perception of separation from God."

I did not realize until reading this for the third time that this is a perfect description of what I have always called my God experience. This experience changed me from an agnostic to a Gnostic, knowing that God is, in a Holy Instant, a miracle.

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