The "Better Dream" Teachers

Most of my students first heard of A Course in Miracles through popular books they read where it was mentioned. Most of them are pretty shocked when they read the Course and find out how different the Course is from the books that led them to it.

If you’ve been to my website or read through my past blogs you may have seen a topic called “Three Types of Course Students”. In there I discuss what I call “practical students”. These students take from the Course what they think they can use to dream a better dream and disregard the rest. Mostly, they take what they learn about projection and relationships. Many popular writers who reference the Course fall into this category.

Of course there are other writers who write directly about the Course, but they are not likely to be so popular at this time. Most people are not looking to wake up, but rather to dream a less painful dream. They have not yet realized that the source of their pain is that they are dreaming and that the only way to be totally relieved of the pain is to awaken. The writers who belong in the “dream a better dream” category serve the Course by making people aware of it. They also help some people who have low self-esteem or whose fear of God is so great they cannot approach God directly to prepare for becoming students of the Course.

Everyone has their role to play in the awakening of the Part of God that dreams it is separate from God. And everyone teaches what they want to learn. Some people will choose to awaken sooner than others. They become the teachers of those who are putting off awakening. That is the only thing that makes us different and even that is only temporary.


Me & my ego said…
I appreciate your insight. I am new to the course, this is my first year and I am struggling through the lessons. I will come back to your site often to learn and get another perspective. Thank you.
My Course in Mirales

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