But while I'm still here...

In ’99 I decided I wanted my life to be more meaningful than I felt it was at that time. I put this out to the Holy Spirit and let it go. Soon after, I read about life coaching in a magazine and decided that was what I was looking for. A life coach is someone who helps you reach your goals faster and easier. The goals can be personal or professional or both. This seemed suited to me and I entered a coach training program.

I had put formal study of the Course aside for a few years, but right after I began my training as a life coach I picked up the Course again. Suddenly, my focus shifted. I felt all that I had felt when I first picked up the Course in ’84: That the Course was my home, that it was my whole purpose in the world. I began to feel conflicted. How could I spend my time helping people focus on goals in this world and still value awakening from the world? These goals seemed opposed.

I knew an experienced coach who was also a student of the Course and I mentioned this conflict to her. She shrugged and said, “I just figure that while I’m still here I need to have goals.” This didn’t sit comfortably with me. If I wanted to awaken, how could I spend my time focused on making a better dream? To dream is to not be awake; to awaken is to no longer dream. I couldn’t be focused both on the world and on awakening from it.

I continued in my coach training, but all my original plans for coaching slowly fell away. By the time I graduated I was no longer building a coaching practice and I had no idea where I was going next. But I had what I was originally seeking – a meaningful goal for my life. I had made my choice – I wanted to awaken.



Carrie Genevachild said…
When I retired, I made the decision to devote the rest of my life to this mind training and doing my part in awakening the Son of God.

While I still believe in this body, I take care of it. I brush my teeth, pay bills, and shop for groceries.

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