Why Mentoring?

You don’t need a mentor, but you may want one.

It may seem a contradiction to offer mentoring to you when I know you don’t need it. Your Holy Spirit is your True Mentor. But there is a difference between needing a mentor in this world and wanting one. When I was a new student in the mid-80s I would have loved to have someone to help me who was focused on my particular needs. I did belong to a study group, but there were competing interests there. There were parts of the Course I got quickly and other areas where I was stuck. In a group, my particular questions did not always get answered. And while the leader of the group was great, I was never sure he would understand my experience of the holy relationship. No one there was talking about the experience I was having that was so clearly not of this world. I often felt I was just barely holding on to my own sanity!

It was a blessing that I had only my Holy Spirit to turn to, but it also took a long time for me to develop trust in this relationship. A mentor is not meant to replace your Holy Spirit, but a mentor would have helped me more quickly overcome my obstacles to hearing my Holy Spirit. Validation from a mentor would have made me trust my Holy Spirit faster. And when I was headed off Course, a mentor would have nudged me back. A mentor would have saved me not only effort but time. And isn’t that what the Course is for – saving time?

This is why I offer my experience to you.


Carrie Genevachild said…
Miriam (Mary Magdalene) is my mentor. She is my personification of Holy Spirit.

Reading about your "evolving experience and deepening understanding" is most helpful.
hannah said…
this is my current experience! i felt guilty for much of my help seeking, and for the feelings i was having at my group, but this just cleared it ALL AWAY!!!

i was also getting angry at my dear group leader for not being able to fulfil the mentor role i was seeking in her.. now ive cleared away some of the confusion around everything i have been feeling, i can focus on seeing and forgiving that which im projecting. i have been angry at her for things which im finally seeing as a wonderful gift she is offering me to let go of ego dynamics in me. she is still a wonderful mentor if i dont ask her to be where she is not, and if i accept responsibility for my own reactions.

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