"Serving" God and Others

A miracle is a service. It is the maximal service you can render to another. It is a way of loving your neighbor as yourself. You recognize your own and your neighbor's worth simultaneously. (T-1.I.18)

In this world, “serving” God through serving is considered a necessary part of being a spiritual person. But the world’s idea of service is quite different from the Course’s idea of service. It is taking some physical action for others, often for others deemed “less fortunate”. There is an aura of subjugation of one’s self to another or at least of some sort of sacrifice being made by you in this service. Giving up your free time, or perhaps doing something you consider unpleasant. Oh, how the ego loves you to sacrifice, rewarding you with feelings of superiority and righteousness!

Another way the world sees of serving God is simply to dedicate whatever you do to God. Think of athletes who, after scoring or winning, take time to pray or to kiss their hand and point to God. ”This win is for you, God!”

When I searched my computer version of the Course with the words “serve” or “service” what came up were many examples of either putting the body into the service of your mind or your mind or will into the service of God. There is no sacrifice or subjugation but rather an internal adjustment toward Truth. It is a correction that recognizes you are Part of God.

And as you can see in the quote above, the only way to serve “others” is to recognize your Oneness with them. There is no subjugation because you are equal, and no sacrifice because you are extending your awareness of yourself and thereby gaining.



Anonymous said…
I appreciate the emphasis of service being a correction to be more aligned with the truth. Thanks1
Anonymous said…
Well said
carrie genevachild said…
Right. My body is a type-writer for the Holy Spirit. Miriam tells me to put my hands on the keyboard and she will take care of the rest.

I serve the Holy Spirit and the awakening of the Son of God by submitting to this mind training.
curtmos said…
"It is taking some physical action for others, often for others deemed “less fortunate”. There is an aura of subjugation of one’s self to another or at least of some sort of sacrifice being made by you in this service. Giving up your free time, or perhaps doing something you consider unpleasant. Oh, how the ego loves you to sacrifice, rewarding you with feelings of superiority and righteousness!"

So isnt feeding my children and helping elderly considered taking physical action? If we dont take physical action then wont our children die?
curtmos said…
Where does acim say not to take physical action?
ACIM Mentor said…
Curtmos, this article was not about taking or not taking action. It was about your mind's approach as you take action. It was about undoing one's sense of sacrifice or subjugation as one acts. Please note:

"When I searched my computer version of the Course with the words “serve” or “service” what came up were many examples of either putting the body into the service of your mind or your mind or will into the service of God. There is no sacrifice or subjugation but rather an internal adjustment toward Truth. It is a correction that recognizes you are Part of God."

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