Rejoice! You Cannot Change God

Nothing you do (or don’t do) in this world changes God in any way.

Some have rejected the Course because it teaches that this world, and their life in it, has no effect on God. They prefer to think that sin is real, that separation from God is possible. Their fear of God outweighs their pain in thinking of themselves as “sinners”. They are afraid that if they don't believe in sin that God will strike them down. They would rather condemn themselves and hope this mitigates the punishment they expect from God.

Others are offended by the idea that they cannot change God. If you suggest their life here isn’t real, they get angry. They are deeply identified with the ego and the idea it isn’t real threatens them greatly. But the arrogance of the ego is a mask for their fear that they have made separation from God real — and fear God will punish them.

Still others feel that if their life here isn’t real, then it is meaningless.

Some students ask, “If I cannot sin, then why can’t I do anything I want? Rob, murder, manipulate, etc.” Well, you can, and God will be unchanged. But if you accepted God’s unchangeable love you would not be motivated to do these things. People rob, murder, manipulate, etc., because they feel lack and think these are ways to fill in the void. They believe that sin is real.

How is your life different when you realize that nothing you do (or don’t do) in this world changes God in any way? Now you have a real purpose. Now awakening from the illusion of “sin” and fear of God is the only meaningful goal. Now you lack nothing and do not need to seek to fill a void that isn’t there. Now you are filled up with love.


Anonymous said…
One of the most difficult lessons to understand in the Course is that when we give we also receive, for since we are One giving to a brother is actually giving to ourselves. It is the same when we take from a brother such as stealing, murdering, or manipulating, we are only doing it to ourselves. The separation only makes us feel like we are doing it to somebody else.
Anonymous said…
Yes, this blog reminded me of a line I read a very long time ago, from a sci-fi book titled Dunes,'neither extortion nor exhortation would moves a god' I stopped praying to God after reading it. It sounded so true.

For a long time, I hate God for not ''existing'' and not dispensing His benevolent on me regularly but now am so glad, He has left me to myself and let me stumble/stagger and fall,am glad indeed because I am beginning to realised how hideous,ugly,vicious,unkind my ''creation'' really is and I have no wish for God to get involved in it at all,just glad that HE IS, and that when I am ready to shed all my insanity,I will merely be and merely Is myself.
carrie genevachild said…
For a long time I was afraid I would be lifted up to heaven before I was ready; I was afraid that I would come undone before I was ready.

What helped was this:

"Fear not that you be abruptly lifted up and hurled into reality. Time is kind, and if you use it on behalf of reality, it will keep gentle pace with you in your transition." (T.16.VI.8:1-2)

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